My application for reference on how I play Shikamaru.
Character description:
Your typical zoner. If he's not caught staring out the window, he's falling asleep. Shikamaru fails his classes due to a lack of caring (or interest due to challenge), even though he got upped a year due to one of his past teachers realizing his high IQ.
He wasn't too happy about it, and sometimes skipped class to hang out with the kids his age. Or, of course, sleep, one of his favorite hobbies.
He's fairly interested in some things, like gaming, and.. well, being a bum. Its one of his specialties, if you've not guessed by now. Another of them is complaining (he's still trying to prove to his mother that there's some disease or another that could be the blame for that). He doesn't mind hanging out with his friends even if he does complain over them, too. They're good for if he's in the mood for a headache, perhaps. [Hah.]
Sample journal entry:
Day one and Ive already gotten detention from three teachers.
Its not my fault that their voices put me to sleep, when they droll on and on like they did...
Well, at least the guys I'm boarding with haven't proven to be too bothersom--bloody hell, what just broke?
Aaah, it wasn't any of my things; I still need to unpack. I probably should have taken Dad's help before Mom talked his ear off about me "learning to be responsible" until he backed off.
Bah, responsibility. How annoying.
(and then I was informed that it had to be in third person, so I rephrased it)
Shikamaru sighed, falling back into his pillows and curling up comfortably. The first day of the new year had been hell, despite what he'd expected, since he was almost, almost, excited to see his friends that he was supposed to have been in the same grade with. Damn that one teacher (how many years ago now?) for having figured out that his IQ was high enough to let him up a level in learning.
It wasn't like he did any work in the new classes anyway. He was just surrounded by people he didn't know, then. More reason to sleep or skip classes.
Actually, doing just that had gotten him three detentions within the first day of his sophomore year. He hadn't gone to any of them, in favor of laying outside with his best friend. God, did he miss Chouji.
He was pretty sure he was rooming with a few freshman, now, too, though he didn't know who. They seemed peaceful enough, or they had until he heard that crash which almost made him spring up from his spot in bed. As it was, he'd jumped a good foot or so.
"Bloody hell, what was that?"
Well, it wasn't anything of his, he was certain of, as he got comfortable again. He'd not bothered to unpack anything from his summer back at home, having expected his father to do it when he'd offered. Shikamaru wished he could have said "please do" or something of the sort before his mom intervened.
"He needs to learn to be more responsible," she'd said, and they'd just rolled their eyes, though neither male Nara argued the point. It wasn't the first time she'd said something like that.
Shikamaru glanced over to the piled boxes, clicked off his bedside light, and rolled over.
"Bah, responsibility. How annoying."
Along with that, a small background, edited from the planning post.
Even though he's the same age as the freshman, Shikamaru's a grade up due to some teacher realizing just how intelligent he is a few years back and having him upped on the ladder.
Last year, he was a decent student and, if anything, somewhat dull and antisocial. He'd no interest in talking to anyone from his grade (or even those headache-inducing nobodies in his dorm room), or upperclassman. This was also the reason as to why he didn't skip class, like he'll start doing in his sophomore year. He misses the rest of the rookie nine.
He's interested enough in math and science classes to do well and get AP classes in them. This doesn't stop him from not coming to class, however. He's also found that he likes language courses, though he's only taking English (he's also taken to the club, though he'd not bothered freshman year).
Chess is the only club he'd decided he's going to follow through with all through high school. He's even gone into a competition or two (which he won) on the suggestion of the teacher sponsoring the club. Its not like he could get away with pretending he wasn't smart enough to do it--the teachers all already know. Its in his file somewhere, or something.
As for his favorite past time other than cloud gazing? Video games (single or double person fighting games, tactical games, one player RPGs that he only sometimes touches). Because its something he can do while lazing around. And because I think he'd make a cool gamer. Stfu. ♥