The nice DHL man just delivered it. Isn't that amazing?
Actually, I have Dominion, which is an excellently amusing card game to which I became addicted at the Bristol New Year's party. Bad Button-eyes Louise! Bad Connor!
What is Dominion, you ask? The best answer is to be found
here, but I can give you a short answer.
Do you remember a quaint old-fashioned game called Shadowfist? I believe there was a lesser-known variant called Magic: The Gathering. You bought cards and built decks out of them and then you tried to beat the snot out of your opponents. In this game, you buy cards, build decks out of them and try to finish with the most land holdings, while sometimes doing nasty things to your opponents (and very occasionally nice things - some cards are very interesting in play). The twist is, you buy cards and build decks *in* the game play. The game comes with all the cards, different numbers of different types, and you use the pathetic collection of coppers you start with to buy your way to a decent deck and the ability to buy larger tracts of land. So there's none of that "I lost because my opponent is a loon who spends all his money on cards". That wasn't really fun, was it? This is the Credit Crunch version.
The game doesn't get monotonous because there are 25 possible action cards and you can only use 10 per game, which you can select by any bizarre method you can think of (the game where we picked two we hadn't played and then each took roughly 1/4 of the cards and picked 2 appeared horribly unbalanced but actually it just meant we had to use a different approach to winning and end the game using different criteria.)
I like this game. Can you tell?