(no subject)

Jan 03, 2008 10:27

Well, let's see how I'm doing. I did valiantly try to work on the statistics. I made a bunch of notes on probability and promptly spent three hours of the afternoon being really stuck on the first two problems. Which is weird, because when I tried them in the evening, they came out neatly and simply first try. Perhaps my brain needed time to reboot into maths mode.

I did not do any decluttering yesterday, but the day before I made a big bag of 'yarn I'm never going to use'. Now to find a charity shop that wants yarn.

On New Year's Day I finished knitting my gloves (they still need blocking and sewing; blocking should happen today) and got out the yarn I have for a scarf. As of this morning I have about seven inches of scarf in a rather neat pattern. It will be nice and warm, which is good because it's snowing!

In the city (to get needles for Arja's gloves, next on the to-do list) I resisted several unwise choices and instead ate healthy 95% fat-free vegetable soup. With nasty slimy pearl barley (gort! Isn't there something weird about eating your own name?). Wasn't I good? But I blew it in the evening with a couple of home-made sausage rolls and a large speculaas biscuit. I was /hungry/!
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