Jan 22, 2006 16:33
I am a really bad blogger, aren't I? Shame on me. I shall try harder this year.
Current state of affairs:
* Unemployed, after leaving my project leader job because the commute was making me exhausted and the physical working environment making me ill, and being given the push from my waitressing job because I had too many days off sick with migraine (justifiably, I assure you. Managing to work at all while having 6 migraines a week was a massive struggle; although it was pretty frustrating when they gave me the push as I'd just started to see some real improvement)
* Not looking for a job, because being well seems a better goal to strive for right now
* Off dairy products, which has halved the incidence of migraine
* Under treatment at the headache clinic at the local hospital (lucky me that there is one); have done an 8 week drug withdrawal programme since I had Medication Overuse Headache. No painkillers or migraine tablets, only anti-emetics allowed. Kind of unpleasant to start with, but boy, it worked (though it took more like 10 weeks to really have an effect). Down to only 1 migraine a week and that 1 is getting less and less noticeable. Last weekend all that happened was I kept dropping my cutlery as I had the aura, then no headache to speak of at all. Have new migraine tablets but I haven't taken any of them, as I'm only allowed to take one a week (for the rest of my life, as I'm now officially the addictable type) and there's always the possibility that I might get another head that's worse. Still I have something if I get a stinker. And no painkillers either since I forgot to ask if I was allowed them. That was silly
* Having a lot more bother with older-style fluorescent lights. This was awkward during the after-Christmas visit to the parent, since her house is fluorescent throughout. Much walking around with standard lamps to avoid migraines. Mother now very stressed by this as replacement would involve expensive ceiling rendering.
* Just found last week an optometrist who specialises in reading difficulties and (eye) behavioural problems. Have had one v. expensive consultation during which we determined that (a) purple lenses/paper help my dyslexic vision issues; (b) my eyes are crap at working together; (c) also at changing focal distance; (d) they jitter around; (e) and they get tired really easily too. Tomorrow we shall investigate whether I need the same tint on both eyes, and further behavioural stuff. In the meantime I have to do focus changing exercises twice a day
* Nothing is going to happen officially in the next year and a half or so in terms of getting approved for vicar school, partly because of the health problems, and partly because some different experience would help the case
* In my Foundation Degree in Theology and Ministry I am studying Christian Ethics this term. Class is in a room with flourescents, so roll on the purple glasses or whatever they come up with. It's interesting though.
* Taking shameless advantage of healthy free time to shadow the vicar and the curate, doing things like ministry in old people's homes, the mother and toddler group, and anything else they're dumb enough to let me loose on
* Also going to aquacise. I've got too big and lazy
* Really should fie out the spare bedroom and start the redecorating project
* Tomorrow I start an Intro to Counselling course, with a view to eventually having a job again.