Jun 21, 2004 01:08
This is my first post here at live journal, which I've been hearing oh so much about. First I thought, Live journal? Sounds like a Will Smith movie to me. Which I'm up for. Equality, yes I'm all for that. What I'm not up for is a bunch of hooby dooby talk I can't understand while I'm trying to order a big mac.
She was there today. She said it again today. I. Just. Wish. I. Didn't. Feel. The. Need. To. Type. Like. This. Everytime. I. Get. Rejected. Although. I'm. Starting. To. Get. Used. To. It. And. I. Kind. Of. Like. The. Fact. That. I. Don't. Have. To. Use. Commas. Or. Any. Proper. Grammar. That. Shit. Was. Forged. By. Lucifer. Himself. I. Kind. Of. Feel. Like. A. Superhero. When. I. Type. Like. This. Must. Type. Like. This. Can't. Stop. Must. Type. With. Periods. Between. Each. Word. As. To. Make. It. Seem. Important. I hate him. I hate her. I hate those eyes. I hate balloon animals that don't actually look like what they're supposed to.
I thought I'd use this time to post my deepest most intellectual thoughts. So here goes...
( . Y . )