Aug 22, 2006 22:12
Ok this spring we get a call that my hubby nephew needs a place to stay since he lost his job in Idaho, and things didnt work out with his pregnant girl friend mom.
So they stay at my house, run her to the doctor, to Wick, to look for apartments , to look for a car.
They finally moved out in May, with our help.
After a trip from Colorado to Missouri, I stayed with them when the baby was born.
When they went home lent them my grandson cradle, which they were just borrowing.
I continue to run the baby to the doctor , her to the doctor,
Anyways we never got a thankyou (they never paid rent or contributed to the food.
We found out they were having the baby blessed, and guess what we were not invited.
Today I went over to get my grandsons cradle, and she called the nephew and told his boss it was an emergecy, then she proceded to tell the babys father that she was in a F****bind.
She then went out to the storage area of their apartment and gave me the cradle back in pieces.
Did I mention we bought the baby alot of stuff because they didnt things the baby needed.
She proceded to slam the door in my face.
Never again will I open the door to someone who might need it.
One other thing at my grandsons birthday they boycotted the party for a Four year old.
Because they thought he was a brat. This coming from two adults that have not grown up.