Dec 04, 2003 23:50
This was the meditation for our second Hidden Abilities meeting.
As we begin, just go ahead and allow your eyes to close, and allow
your eyes to stay closed throughout the session.
And, as we begin the meditation, just start by taking a slow, deep
breath ….. breathing in very slowly and deeply …..and exhaling slowly.
And just continue to breathe very slowly, and deeply, in whatever way
is comfortable to you, for the next few minutes, until I ask you to
return to normal breathing.
Just concentrate on your breathing ….without thinking about anything
but your breathing.
Breathing slowly and deeply ……….. deep breathing is very very
relaxing in itself. So, for the next few minutes, just breathe slowly
and deeply …..feeling your lungs expand…..and let go.
And you can imagine, if you like, that with every breath you breathe
in, you're filling your body and mind with peace and serenity…..and
with every breath you exhale, you're just letting go of all tightness
and tension and negativity……filling your body and mind with peace and
serenity ….letting go of all tension, tightness and negativity.
Just relaxing, more and more, with every breath you take. Feel your
body relaxing more and more with every breath. Feel the muscles in
your body becoming loose and limp, and so very relaxed ……as you begin
to unwind and let go……just letting go…..letting go of everything
that's been going on in your life…..any rush you might have been in
today ……..any worries or concerns……any tension you may have been
retaining in your body…..just let it all go for now….and allow your
body to relax……letting go…….. unwinding ……….and completely relaxing
now……as you take this time for yourself…..this special time……..just
for you……….a quiet time………a time to let go of all the hurry and worry
in your daily life and just enjoy a little relaxation. Just spending
a few minutes to relax and unwind and let everything go.
It feels so good to just relax. Letting go of everything, fully and
completely allowing this wonderful relaxation ……unwinding ………letting
go ……allowing peace and harmony to surround your body and mind
……..that wonderful, beautiful feeling of tranquility……..just
relaxing…….relaxing……… feels so good to relax and unwind and just
let everything go.
Whenever you like, you can quit thinking about your breathing, and
just breathe normally and naturally…… you continue to relax……….
Imagine that floating above you is a bright, shining orb of divine
white light. As you watch this beautiful orb, imagine the light
coming down from it and encompassing your entire being.
Imagine that this light is now forming a protective shield around your
body, a divine white light that encompasses your entire being. You
are completely, and totally protected from negative energies, and
negative entities. From this moment forward, this protective shield
of divine light protects you from the unseen forces that might
otherwise interfere with your spiritual well-being. This protective
shield is with you always, it's not necessary for you to be aware of
it, it's always there to protect you. It's always there, filtering
out negativity, filtering out the unseen things that might otherwise
interfere with your spiritual well-being, filtering out negative
entities, negative energies. From this moment on you are now
protected from those unseen, negative energies. Notice how much
easier and deeper your breathing is with this divine white light
surrounding you. The air even seems cleaner and fresher. All
negativity has been filtered out. You now only breathe in positive,
fresh, clean air. You are now protected from all negativity.
Imagine now that you are standing at the top of a stairway. There are
20 steps. At the bottom of the stairway is a set of doors, outside
those doors is your private sanctuary. Your sanctuary is whatever
you want it to be. It's wherever you want it to be. It could be a
place that is outside, or it could be somewhere that is inside. It
could be the beach, or it could be a library, it could be a cottage,
it can be anything you want it to be, and you can change it as often
as you like. But for right now ……. You are at the top of the stairs.
This is a beautiful stairway, imagine it, anyway you like. It could
be carved from wood, or stone. It could be pure crystal, or perhaps
it is metal. However you'd like to envision this stairway is fine.
It can be very fancy, or very plain. Just get a feel for this
beautiful stairway. Take a deep, full, relaxing breath, and in a
moment I will begin counting back from 20 to zero. When I reach the
number zero you will find yourself standing at the bottom of these
beautiful stairs, right in front of those doors, and your private
sanctuary will be just on the other side of those doors. As I count
down you will slowly, easily, and effortlessly descend the stairs.
With each number that I count down you will take one step, and each
step you take will bring you ever more deeply, ever more completely
relaxed. Each step you take, each number I count down will bring you
deeper and deeper into this wonderful, meditative state. 20 and you
begin to descend ……. 19 more deeply, more completely relaxed ……. 18
each step you take bringing you more and more relaxed……….. 17 and just
take a deep, full breath now, noticing yourself relaxing even more,
and as you go down this stairway it will become more clear to you,
easier for you to see …… 16 …….. 15 ...14.... 13 ......
12...11...10..9..8.. 7 ..6. .5 ..4 .. 3 . .2 ..1 ..0
And now you are standing right in front of those doors. Beyond these
doors is your private sanctuary. It's your own very special place,
and it can be whatever you like. It can be outside or inside. And
you can change it as often as you like. Anything and everything you
want can be here. You can come here to relax, to play, to work on
your own special projects. There are no limits to what you can do
here. Take a deep breath, and when I reach the number zero walk
through these doors into your private sanctuary 3…. 2…… 1 ….0……and
now you walk through these doors into your own private sanctuary.
Use your imagination to see this special place … a peaceful … quiet
…. and comfortable place. Your own private sanctuary…….. just allow
your mind to create this sanctuary, know that it is peaceful ….
comfortable ….. and safe. This is a place that brings forth feelings
of contentment and happiness ….. whatever comes to mind that means
those things to you is fine…….
Allow yourself to begin to experience all the sensations of this
place … the peace … the comfort ……. The feelings of safety ….. and
happiness …. Just allow whatever ideas or thoughts come into your mind
experiencing this special place ….. a safe place …… wherever that is
for you ……and notice all those wonderful sensations of peace ……
comfort …….. and happiness that are part of your special place …….
Notice all the things around you …… listen to the sounds and noises ……
you may, perhaps, notice smells or aromas …… taste and touch whatever
you wish to taste and touch.
As you allow yourself to experience everything in this place ….
you'll notice that those feelings of peace, tranquility, comfort,
safety, and happiness … are intensified …… becoming part of you
……imprinting on your mind and heart ……taken deep within you ……….as you
move into an even more deeply relaxed state …… comfortable and at
peace ………feeling so content and so very, very relaxed.
As you allow yourself to enjoy this special place and this state of
deep, peaceful relaxation ……know that this is a magical, a special
place just for you.
As you relax in this special ………magical place …….. you begin to sense
a presence ……someone or something is waiting for you ……a friendly
…….loving entity ……smiling ……..and waiting for you to see them …….look
around ……….sense their presence ……..speak and introduce yourself
……….you know that this is your inner guide ……tell them your name …….
When you are sure of the presence …….ask this wise one's name ………The
first name that comes to your mind …… right now ……..any name …….
Ask this wise one if they will come to you …….speak with you for a
few moments ……..this is your inner guide that has talked to you
periodically through your intuition …..make it very clear that you
sincerely want your guide's help.
Your inner guide knows everything about you ………so if there's a
problem that's been bothering you for a while, ask your guide if they
are willing to give you some help with it ……yes or no ……..your guide's
response is the first answer that pops into your mind. The first
response that comes into your mind is your guide's reply …….your first
gut feeling.
When you have confirmation that your guide will communicate with you
……ask whatever questions you have ……..and after each question ……
quiet and wait for the reply.
Be mindful that sometimes our guides give us answers in unexpected
ways. It is possible that the answer will come to you later, it may
be something you'll see or feel later on, it may come as a sign in an
unexpected way. Be patient when you ask a question and have faith
that the answer will come to you in its own time…………keep your mind
open to these answers now and from this moment forward.
Continue the dialogue with your guide for a few moments ……..asking
any questions you may have ……then quietly listen for the answers
……..listening to your intuition …….listening to the thoughts that pop
into your mind ……….noticing your feelings.
Remember that your guide knows everything about you ……and if your
inner guide is failing to answer a question……..know that there is a
reason ………and be patient ………..know you can ask again at a later time
…….and you can ask your guide what you need to do in order for this
information to be available to you.
Ask your inner guide if there is anything you should think about
between now and the next time you meet.
Set up a time now to meet your guide again ……a time that's convenient
for both of you……..
Before leaving ……you may want to tell your guide you're open to
having several different types of advisers ……..perhaps leaving this
totally up to your personal guide's discretion ……you may want to let
your guide know that' it's okay to bring other advisors along the next
time you meet.
You may want to se if your guide will allow you to establish physical
contact …….can you touch your guide? Will your guide touch you? You
may want to see if your guide will allow you to make this contact now.
Find out if there's anything else that your guide would
like to tell
you ……if so, what is it?
Is there anything that you would like to tell your guide before you
leave? If so, do it now.
Now…when you are ready, tell your guide good bye……allow the image of
your guide to fade……and as you do…….know that each time you make
contact with your guide the communication will flow more smoothly
…….more easily……….more comfortably ……..and as this experience ends,
notice how relaxed you feel………how rested………..and comfortable………
well as energized……..with a sense of well-being that fills you
completely……….as you let go of this experience……take a
deep………..cleansing breath………..allowing yourself to relax more and more
In a moment I will count from 1 to five, as I count up you will slowly
become more awake, more alert, and more aware of your surroundings.
As I count up, with each number that I say, allow yourself to drift up
little by little so that when I reach the number five you will be wide
awake, feeling great, feeling full of energy! When I reach the number
five you will open your eyes and be wide awake, feeling great. 1 2
3 4 5.
Wide awake, feeling great!