Memorial Day

May 26, 2014 09:07

It seems like it's going to be really nice today. I'm working till noon but free after that. I'm not doing anything special, walking, maybe some shopping, and definitely some chores. I got the cold from hell last week and my place is a disaster zone. Things are actually quite lazy now since school's out. I did well in both classes which is always a relief. I'm taking the next level of french in the Fall so I have to work on not losing all I've learned so far over the summer. Jess and I are working a local mineral show in about 2 weeks and then spending the week in Florida. We're going with our mom and niece and taking our niece to see all the sights.                                                                                                                                             Thinking about Memorial Day and the fact that all my family that did serve in the military during wartime were all fortunate to survive. Both my grandfathers in WWII and my great grandfather in WWI. I remember my Gramps' stories and how many close calls he had. 
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