Well I have a kitty at home now. His name's Chi, cause he looks just like Chi from Chi's Sweet Home!
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/123/8/2/Chi__s_Sweet_Home_Screen_shot_by_Amy_Teh_Cat.jpg A client at my job found him about two weeks ago, in front of the office building. There are actually quite a few feral cats in Middletown, but when she called out to him, unlike any feral, he came up to her, meowing and letting her hold and pet him. Knowing that she couldn't keep him lest she risk losing her apartment, I agreed to find a place for him. After some calls I found that I could either bring him to the humane society where he'd be kept in a cage, or bring him to my parents. The softie I am, especially since he's so cute and cuddly, not quite a kitten, but not full grown, I couldn't stand the idea of him being kept in a cage so I brought him to my parents and Jess who agreed to watch him for a bit.
Now's here the most amazing part, he and my Dad fell head over heels over each other. My Dad the guy whom I saw pet one of our pets only once in my ENTIRE LIFE (our dog Pixie whom accidentally killed a woodchuck, who were always ravaging our garden) fell in love with this cat, calling him "Nosey" and the cat loved him right back! Purring like mad whenever Dad petted him, etc. I thought it would be perfect, except that our oldest cat Pepper, the momma cat for the rest of the cats we have, kept harrassing and stalking and bullying him, terrfiying him to the point where he would always be upstairs, hiding under my Mom's bed. So I took him on Saturday. I don't even know if my complex will let my keep him, I left the manager a message over the weekend and she hasn't gotten back to me yet. So far he's exhausted me, and amused me, with his energetic antics, his constant conversations, and his incilnation to sleep on top of my head at night. I feel guilty leaving him all alone during the day, and have been coming home during the day for visits. So overall, he pretty much controls my life! I'll post a pic of the cutie soon, but he seriously looks like Chi in the link above, white underbelly and legs with grey tabby on the top.