Happy Easter!

Apr 12, 2009 11:29

Christos A Inviat!

That's "Christ has arisen!" in Romanian. I was looking at all my old workbooks from the Peace Corps last night, in order to write a proper letter to my host mother, and read up on how we celebrated Easter there. It's amazing, you forget stuff so quickly, and now reading it, I remember walking to Drasliceni on the Easter of the Dead to visit the grave of my host father and everyone passing you by saying "Christos a Inviat!" and you saying the same. I have a really awesome picture of that day, with the priest blessing the graves. He was a very imposing person, the picture looks like a brilliant madman blessing the dearly departed grave's.

Anywho, we had our traditional Polish Easter breakfast, rye bread, smoked meats, hard boiled eggs, babka. I bought a chocolate babka yesterday, the first time I've had it, it wasn't bad, not too chocolatey. I have to get Jesse to post her pic of our butter lamb (lamb shaped chunk of butter) that Dad had bought at the Polish bakery cause he got a kick out of it. Which I think is cute since he's not even Polish.
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