Aug 07, 2006 20:19
Hey all. It's too early to say how anything looks, but I'm out of the surgery room and awake and alive and all that good stuff. Dr. Fischer said everything looks really good, but I obviously haven't seen anything yet.
I got sick before I even left the clinic 'cause anesthesia sucks. Being put under is really no fun, 'cause everything smells and tastes like it afterwards. But also I have problems with motion sickness, so that didn't help for when I got sick again back at the hotel after the ride down 83.
Just been chillin', basically. Haven't eaten too much except the chicken caesar salad I have now. I'm kinda surprised I'm functioning this well. Earlier it hurt a bit to take deep breaths, but that's probably because I didn't fill my narcotic medicine prescription... I've been relying on the power of extra strength Tylenol since whatever they gave me in the operating room wore off.
I'm sure I'll be sleeping lots this week, but tomorrow morning I have to go back to the clinic to they can check how my nipples are healing
Thank you all for all of your support - it really means a lot to me. :D