Hey there. Here is another small entry about me and stuff. This is probably the last one about me that I'll put up. And then after that if I find anything special I'll put it here.
So me in a few or not so few words:
My name is Ana. I am the oldest girl but the third child in my family, but I might as well be the oldest since I do everything and everyone comes to me when they need help. I live in New York City, USA, but right now I am at college. I'm a new college student, so I'm a freshman, but I like college already. College means Geneseo, New York, close to the Canadian border and as of now I love it here, but I am freezing.
I turned 18 on October 26. It's only three days away. I love the city and I am a super Junior fan forever, but i do have a bias and I am just super in love with SUJU M because they are so awesome. I love Zhou Mi and Henry and Kyuhyun and Siwon and Donghae and OF COURSE HAN GENG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have such a bad Han Geng bias. My friend
pjvj10 knows of this bias and if you run along to my LJ where I post my fics then you too will know of this bias.
I have a very big family: 10 aunts and 2 uncles on my mom's side and about 30 cousins. This does not include my dad's side of the family. We are all one big ball of love. Seriously, we all love each other to death and they can't do anything without me, but it's okay because I can't do anything without them either =) My family comes fro Mexico, but most of my cousins and me were born here. People don't think I look Mexican. The majority of them always confuse me with Asian, so it's fun to see who can actually guess right.
My biases: I am so obviously HAN GENG biased! When I was first introduced to Super Junior I saw them all together and immediately went to stalk Siwon and then I noticed Hannie all off in the corner next to Heechul and of course I said ooohhh. So I watched Full House and that was it. I tell you. THAT sealed it. I fell in love with him. I love how he's all shy and cute and how adorable he was ll the time and how he and Heechul are so close. And I don't even know. I just love him so much for everything. And he became my favorite. AND I LOVE HAN GENG!!!!!! So, obviously my OTP is Hanchul.
Don't get me wrong. I am also in love with HanKyu, SiHan, KyuMin, YeWon, KyuSung, HanSung, HanMin, SiHanChul (as long as Siwon and Heechul are both fighting to get my baby's attention =D), KangTeuk, EUNHAE, GengMi, Zhou Ri, KyuMi AND OMG I JUST LOVE HANKYU!!!!!!
More of my favorites. I tend to lean towards the tall, really adorable ones in each band I follow. For Shinee, my babies are Minho!!!!!!!!!! Onew!!!!!!!!! and of course little Taeminnie, but he's too small for me to drool over. The poor thing is actually younger than me so I love him in a different way than I love my MinnieHo and Onew babies. From B2ST i love Lee Ki Kwang because he is just so sdjfhalkjfdsn. and LEE HONGKI from FT Island.
Why do I love Super Junior M? It can't be because the LOVE OF MY LIFE IS (WAS =( ) THEY'RE LEADER!! I love the way they sing. I love the way the words sound in Mando. I LOVE ZHOU MIIIIIIII OMG ZHOU MI MARRY ME!!!!!!!! (unless of course Han Geng ever gets back to me with that proposal I sent) HENRY IS THE CUTEST THING IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND HE SPEAKS ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him and his cheeks and smile and violin!!! Siwon is just like the best thing to look at when you're having a bad day (after my baby of course). I love Siwon's dimples and he's so tall and good looking and I love how cute he is with everyone and how he loves touching the guys and those hand gestures. And KYUHYUN! OMG Kyu completely stole that spot in my heart. I LOVE KYUHYYUNNNNNNN foreverrrrrrrr. Seriously, he is just...and those smirks and that face and OMG I WANT A KYUHYUN!!!!!!!!!!! And Donghae is just Donghae. I seriously love that he is such a huge flirt and he's so damn adorable!!!!!!! And those dances. Donghae. He would so be my favorite but he's too much of a flirt. Wookie just fits. lol and that's why I love Super Junior M. I can't wait for their come back.
Okay so more general.
Favorite color: blue and green
Favorite artist/bands: SUPER JUNIOR. SUPER JUNIOR M, SHINEE, B2ST, f(x), BoA, Luis Fonsi, Marilyn Manson, Korn, Train, FT Island, CNblue, etc etc, it goes on and on. Basically if it's music I like it.
Favorite pass times: Writing and reading. I want to publish one day. I have a couple of original works that I am going to get out there on day hopefully. I write fics because I NEED to write.
Uh, that's pretty much it. Well, all I can think of at the moment. But, to see my writing do go to