Когда Баран(ы) правят

May 25, 2010 14:02

Oil Spill? What oil spill? They didn't spill anything...
IG report:
" Staff members at an [government] agency that oversees offshore drilling accepted tickets to sports events, lunches and other gifts from oil and gas companies and used government computers to view pornography, according to an Interior Department report alleging a culture of cronyism between regulators and the industry.

In at least one case, an inspector for the Minerals Management Service admitted using crystal methamphetamine and said he might have been under the influence of the drug the next day at work, according to the report by the acting inspector general of the Interior Department."

Financial crisis can wait
Maureen Miller AC360° Writer:
"...Instead of watching Wall Street, some staffers at the Securities and Exchange Commission were watching porn. An investigation by the SEC's Inspector General reveals 33 employees or contractors at the agency were using government computers on official time to view pornography. All the cases took place in the past five years and more than half the workers in question made between $99,000 to $223,000.

In one instance, a senior attorney at SEC headquarters admitted to downloading pornography up to eight hours a day. The attorney downloaded so much porn on his government computer that he used up all the space on the hard drive and downloaded it to CDs or DVDs that he put in boxes in his office, the report said..."

Read the bills, you kidding? They've got other ahhh important things to do:
Florida State Senator Videotaped Surfing Porn Threatens Reporter:
On Thursday morning, Sunshine State News captured exclusive video of Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, looking at pornographic material on his state-issued computer on the Senate floor.

There is a global warming... somewhere close by
Grassley launches porn inquiry:
"a report that says National Science Foundation employees have been spending significant amounts of company time on smut sites and in other explicit pursuits...The report says they were watching, downloading and e-mailing porn, sometimes for significant portions of their workdays, and over periods of months or even years. "


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