Dec 05, 2007 22:34
So my new apartment is next to an Arco station and I get to see lots of hobos milling around. The thing that's really strange is there's a payphone next to the Arco in its parking lot and they all hang around it and even make calls. Obviously they wouldn't have cellphones, I mean, they're hobos. A thought occurred to me though, who are they calling? Other hobos? Do they memorize the numbers of other payphones in other Arco parking lots? Seems like a lot of wasted effort to me. They should all just gather in one place and save what little money they have instead of making calls. Maybe collectively buy a latte or a bottle of vodka to share. Of course while they're all sharing Hobo Frank will take too big of a swig and piss off Hobo Gene. Gene, having always disliked Frank, decided to get in his face about the matter. The argument escalated too fast though, and Gene stabbed Frank. Over the matter of 4 fluid ounces of cheap potato vodka. When the cops showed up nobody ratted out Gene, hobo code and all that. They even went as far to say that Frank stabbed himself in a fit of drunken depression. The police had seen this too many times not to believe it. At least twice a week they get a call about some hobo who stabbed himself in an Arco parking. Always in an Arco parking lot too, probably some kind of ritual suicide. In conclusion, these damned hobo cults must be stopped before they get tired of killing themselves and decide to up the ante.
*this rambling brought to you by a two minute random thought string while I was taking a piss. hope you enjoyed it.*