Seems about right...

Mar 27, 2006 00:17

Your Political Profile

Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal

Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

How Liberal / Conservative Are You?

Orion is gonna have my head when he sees that :P ...

On another note, we got into a little bit of a discussion about some of the English voice actors for Escaflowne while watching it tonight... like who played who in what other series. The one that we were wondering about was Hitomi's voice. It sounded familiar. I think it was Matt (or was it Carrie?) who thought it sounded like Relena Peacecraft out of Gundam Wing. But we were wrong. (the actress does play a part in Escaflowne.. but only a minor one). Turns out that we had the wrong series in this case. The actress for Hitomi (Kelly Sheridan) also does the voice for Sango in Inuyasha. Probably explains why it sounded so familiar to me too, despite the fact we haven't watched Inuyasha at Anime Night in quite some time... There's a bunch of other links to both Inuyasha and to Gundam Wing from Escaflowne, but I'm too lazy to research them all :P
Darn it, this is making me want to re-watch Gundam Wing now too, subbed of course. But I'm all ready to start season 2 of Kenshin doing that. [sigh]

Yes, I have too much time on my hands... (all cuz I suck at talking to people and resort to this to say things)...

quizzes, anime

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