Dec 31, 2007 11:05
Dear gay smut authors,
Please stop using the word "fisting" to refer to a hand jerking off a cock, and the word "scissoring" to refer to opening and closing fingers inside a bodily orifice. Those two words already have sexual meanings so it's weird and confusing to use them to mean completely different sexual things. I don't want to think about someone "fisting" a cock, it makes me think of someone shoving his hand up another guy's urethra, which doesn't sound like fun at all. And when I read that a guy scissors another guy's asshole, I wonder how the fuck they suddenly turned into a pair of lesbians. Seriously, really distracting in a sex scene. Especially the fisting one, that really has to go. The last thing I want to feel when I'm reading a sex scene is sympathetic crotch pain.
Love and kisses,
gay smut,
open letters,