The Ancient History of a Bad Weasley Egg (HP, Ginny, Weasleys, PG)

Jul 07, 2004 18:53

Title: The Ancient History of a Bad Weasley Egg
Author: Donna aka Vala (girlflesh)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s): Ginny, Weasleys
Rating: PG
Summary: Ginny is curious and thinks about her bad egg of a brother that she has only heard her mum mention once in her life. 321 words long.
Notes: This fic was originally written for this challenge at the HP100 LJ community but it got a bit too long and didn't follow the requirements, really.


Philip was the oldest Weasley brother. Of course, no one spoke of that particular fact because he was the bad one, the Slytherin who betrayed everyone and everything. Mostly everyone who had ever known he was a Weasley had forgotten over time as now he was only associated with Voldemort and the Death Eaters and when one thinks of Death Eaters and their lord, they do not usually think of Weasleys.

The one time Ginny had actually heard Mum speak of him, she had said he was a bad egg and that was that. When it was her mum saying it, 'and that's that' meant 'speak of this specific topic again and I'll hex you into next week along with anyone standing in the crossfire'.

Sometimes Ginny got curious and went searching around the Burrow to see if she could find a shred of evidence that Philip had ever even stepped foot in this house, let alone lived here. Nobody talked about him. Charlie, Bill, and Percy refused to say a word about him and Fred and George were too young to remember him. He had left the Burrow and their lives before Ron and Ginny were born, although Ron had been on the way, she had figured out when she figured the timeline of everything out on a piece of paper.

Molly forbid them of ever speaking of Philip to anybody, even their closest friends. Normally this wouldn't stop them but when it came to Dark magic, they listened to their mother while their father pretended to read the Daily Prophet (even though it was upside down) and that he couldn't hear a word that was being said.

Bill was now assumed to be the oldest and Charlie the second and then with Percy and the rest of them all. Never second guessed by anyone because, by now, it was considered ancient history and was accepted as such.

END // 14th Jun. '04 // girlflesh at livejournal dot com
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