Jul 24, 2006 08:37
Funny how things can change in so quick a time...right after I wrote that depressing entry about hating this job and wanting to leave and all that, I went and talked with the people at Kelly Services, made a fool of myself (bawled), then had lunch, came back and was fine. I asked the Admin before I left if there was anything I was supposed to do and she basically told me that it's always slow in the summer and that the most work I would have would be what I was currently doing (typing up letters, replying to Helpdesk calls) and that I should just try and 'occupy myself on the Internet'. So I thought 'you know what, that's what I'm going to do and I'm not going to worry about what people think, if they think I'm slacking then it's their own fault'. So now with that attitude, the rest of the week went much better and I'm not so depressed about staying here for the month of August. I'll turn a profit (though small) from it, so I can't really complain all that much. So yeah, I'm at work now, slacking :)
The other thing that turned around is that I now have a place to live for the month of August (something that was worrying me all last week) I emailed a girl who was renting out her room, and she emailed me back, I went to see it yeterday morning, said I wuould take it, gave a damage deposit, received a key, and now I'm moving in this Saturday. It's an ok place, it'll do for the 3 weeks I'll be there, the woman who I'll be living with seems nice enough, she's a huge hippie but that's ok. She said that she actually won't even be around for most of the month, she has to go away for work, which is fine by me. (Hence the damage deposit) So yeah, I'm moving in this Saturday...it's weird to think that the end of the month is coming so quickly! Heather is moving away, I'm going to be all alone! I'll surive until Dan come though, I'll just focus on work and keeping busy.
Speaking of work, I also have an interview today for another permanent job (see how things change!?) I got a call from Corporatel late last week, and I had a phone interview and now I'm going in for a final interview after work today...it's in a call center (eww), but this one actually doesn't sound that bad. It's multilingual, which appeals to me right away, it would be a good chance for me to use my French and Spanish (they also wanted Portugese but I dont' speak that...yet, haha) So yeah, good chance to use my languages. It's also decent as far as hours go...it's 9am-9pm, so there won't be any 3am shift for me (woohoo!) and the shifts are chosen not based on seniority but based on a rotation, so that means that every few months (or weeks), I will get a good shift (9-5pm) I mean, the worse the shift could be would be 12-9pm, so that's really not that bad...and finally, it pays 13$/hour, which I can definately survive on for now, and if I become a 'coach' (something like a Lead Agent I would think) I get a raise. So that's the job, the work itself sounds kinda boring and weird, we basically take calls from businesses who need technical help for their software or something...it's not the general public calling so that's good, I'm not sure how busy it is, I was told that about 80-90% of the calls are in English, so I won't get to practise all that much but it's a start. I guess that most of the people who work in the Spanish department are Spanish speakers though so maybe I'll get to practise with them. We'll see though, gotta get past this interview first.
Hmm, what else? Well I called my pastor finally about the wedding, so that's good, I ony got to leave him a message though so I'm going to have to follow up with him at some point. Once that is out of the way (assuming he says yes) I will be much less nervous about everything, it'll just be one more big booking (the photographer) and then it'll be mostly little details (flowers, favours, readings, music, a million more) I also got most of my replies back from the guests so I now have a better idea of the numbers...as of right now it's going to be 46 people, with the possibility of 4 more coming, so 50 max, which is exactly what we had guessed. I'm still quite nervous about it, not excited yet, there's still too much to plan, but this is the crunch month, according to my ticker there is only...well, less than 2 months anyway. Less than 2 months!! Bah!!
Well it's only 9am and I'm already bored, haha. I should just keep babbling for awhile longer I think...oh ok, my running. Basically I'm sucking it up as far as the running goes. I haven't gone since...geex, early last week, which is horrible in itself, but it's either shitty weather or other commitments keeping me from doing it (not to mention a loathing everytime I think about it, haha) I just lost the will to go on...I'm hovering around 35-40 mins and I just can't seem to break it, nor do I necessarily want to. I just find that I have this physical and mental blcok of going more than a cerain amount of time. My legs fight me the whole way and near the end it's almost impossibe to keep going. I think that not knowing my distance is also bothering me quite a bit. I bought a new pedometer but I don't know my stride so I don't know how to set it, meaning that it's useless and the readings on it are all guessed. I was supposed to do a 5km Time Trial on Saturday but I can't unless I know what 5km is! I'll have to go back to New Minas and do it where I did my first one, and try and see if I can beat my time...maybe in 2 week ends, we'll see.
2 week ends seem so far away though, especially when it comes to seeing Dan...this was our 3rd week end apart, we will most likley be apart this week end too, making it 1 month, the longest we've been apart in awhile. I'm not liking it very much, neither is he, but we can't afford to come and see each other at this point, we have to save as much money as we can. The problem with the car is going to be fixed I guess, which is good, but the part is on back order so Dan can't come see me with the car for at least 3 weeks, he'd have to bus if he came at all...so all in all not a good situation for us as far as that goes. I want to see him so much, just to talk to him, to see him, to hang out and connect with him again. But is all goes well with our September apartment, we should be together by the 22nd or something like that. Less than a month. I have to remember that, then it's forever.
Ok that's enough for now, I'm going to go pick up a package, but I'll probably be back on later to outline my marriage book that I finished last week...hasta pronto.