Random Thoughts in Bullet Form

Nov 11, 2005 21:51

In my call center hell, waiting for the hours to tick by, I just wanna go home and cocoon up in my bed.

-So they approved my Full Time Flex thing, which means that I will now only be working 4 days a week here starting in December, 2 overnight shifts and 2 phone shifts for appox 32 hours a week. It might not seem like alot, but to me, having that extra day where I don't have to come here is the best news I've gotten in a long time. Any money that I need I can make up at the Dollarama. They love me there.

-I also found out that I will be working for sure on Christmas Eve, Christmas day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day (all overnight shifts) At first I was kinda bummed out, but then when I thought abou tit more, it isn't that bad really. I mean, I come in to work at midnight on the 24th, so I can still go to church that evening or go to Dan's Dad Seafood Casserole Dinner (big Flynn tradition), then I would come in to work until 8am, then I would come home at 8am on Christmas morning, wake Dan up, open our gifts, maybe visit his family in the morning and then I would go to bed all afternoon (when it's boring anyway). Then I would come in aat midnight on Christmas Day, which really isn't missing much anyway. I would sleep on Boxing Day, which is fine by me, nothing happens then anyway, then I'd have my 2 days off to go visting or whatever. And as for New Year's Eve, I don't really care at all about that time, I'd rather work and get the money for it, I never do anything anyway, it always sucks. So yeah, as far as having to work over the holidays, I figured my overnight shifts would be the best anyway. And it's double time and half for me on Christmas day, then time and a half on Boxing Day and New Year's Day (I think). Anyway, I figured that working those days would make enough money to pay for my Christmas presents, which is nice. Also, my parents and family are not planning on doing anything at all for Christmas this year. My parents are going away somewhere, my grandmother is going to TO to stay with my aunt, and my other aunts and uncles aren't doing anything anyway, they will celebrate with their other sides of their family. So I won't be missing much, if I need any Christmasey-family stuff, I'll do it with Dan's family.

-Speaking of Christmas, I'm starting to get sucked into the Christmas mood. I watched A Charlie Brown Christmas for the first time today (I'll watch it many times more I'm sure) I'm humming Christmas music already, thinking about what cookies to bake, how to decorate, what presents to by whom, everything. I made a deal with Dan that I get to decorate on the 15th, and I'm excited to put all my little ornaments out :)

-One sad thing about Christmas though is that I probably won't be able to have my Orphan Feast. (For those of you who don't know, the Orphan Feast started way back in '99, when my parents left my sister and I home alone for Christmas, leaving us to be 'orphans', while they went to Hawaii. Because we were home alone, I hosted a Christmas dinner at my house for all of my friends (there were 15 of us the first time). I brought the tradition back in '03 when I started to see my Sussex friend less and less and wanted to have a time where we could all get together, even if it was just once a year). This would of been the 4th one this year, but I don't think that it's gonna happen. First of all, I have no idea when I could get everyone together at the same time. It's getting harder and harder since we are all developping very different lives (it was easy when we were all in high school and lived like 20 mins apart) Now people have jobs, are married, live in different cities, have girlfriends/boyfriend from other places, all that. Sara told me that she wouldn't be able to come at all this year, and even I have no idea when I would have the tiem off work. I'll know more once I get my DEcember schedule, but right now it's looking pretty slim. We'll see though.

-Nothing else exciting to report I suppose. I took the night off work last night to just veg out and it was really nice. I got to clean up, do a couple of little things around the house, go to bed at a decent hour (still like 1:30-ish), and just watch TV.

-I'm hoping to go home on my 'vacations' (Nov 23rd and Nov 30th) I'm going to try and ask for time off from the Dollarama so that I'll have real days off so that I can go home and see my parents, I haven't seen them for months now, it sucks. I want to go home and scrapbook, see Felix and Daf, just hang out and not have to worry about work. I'd like to go see where Daf lives in SJ, I haven't seen her in a really really long time. I'd like to go for a walk with Felix in the woods, just talk with my dad, scrapbook with my mom, anything! I miss home.

Well that's enough for now, I still have 3 hours of work, Lord help me. If anyone is online and would like to talk to me, feel free, I do not want to do my French homework or study Itlaian now (not in a language mood I guess)

Vorrei andar in casa, vorrei mangiare e bere, anche dormire. Vorrei scrivere a Jelena, e parlare italiano. Vorrei viagiare in Italia, non parlare inglese! (My Italian is very limited at this point, haha)
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