Aug 16, 2007 16:01
1. it turns out i've read HP V, so I just have VI and VII to go... I got the VI Half Blood Prince at the McGill library... after paying $39 in fines for my overdue peacebooks for the EAPR writing class, gah!
2. Poisonwood Bible also got picked up
3. Naked Economics was finished this morning
4. 100 Years of Solitude is started by is so SO intimidating feeling, i don't know... i think i need to do the otheres first
5. The Sound and the Fury, also picked up this morn (or apres-midi rather; it's funny how i've shifted morning/aft/evening/night to accomodate my late wake up. now, morning is the first few hours after noon...!)
the rain and lightning are thundering violently. secretly, or not, i hope i don't have to go into work. my cramps hurt too much anyways and i want to clean up around here. the cleanup part is the only truth, i just keep putting it off so much im going to need the grace period.