Heroes at the closing ceremonies of the Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival honoring Stan Lee. Saturday, December 15, 2007.
Jack Coleman, Adrian Pasdar, Milo Ventimiglia (!!!), Hayden Panettiere, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Masi Oka, Christine Rose, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Dania Ramirez, Zachary Quinto, and Dana Davis. (David Anders was there and left early)
So by the time I got up on Saturday and did my recap of Frida, it was already time to start getting ready to leave again. I rushed around and then took off to pick up
pinkbutterflies. We were headed to the Los Angeles theater in downtown. We were going to be really early, but then we hit traffic down the 101 and it took forever getting around downtown, so we finally parked just before 3pm and walked over to the theater.
There were already 2 girls sitting on the green carpet when we got there. We sat down too, since we'd be waiting a while, but then were asked to move over to the other side shortly after. Then there was nowhere to sit and so began lots of standing. We walked back to the car to get Cynthia's jacket and when we got back more people had arrived. Luckily the girls saved out spots so we were still the second group there. The girls behind us were all on LJ too, and are big Heroes fans. We traded names and e-mail addresses with some of them throughout the night.
fangirljen had this sign, and she ended up giving me a Vote Petrelli pin because she had a bunch in her bag and I made a comment about the one someone else was wearing. Sweet!
There was a photographer/blogger (Don) there early too and he came out to take pictures of us waiting there when it was just a tiny group. He came back out later on and talked to us some more. He was using the same camera as me, so I took mine out so we could compare. Then he was asking me about who I was there to see (Milo! 'Cause I'd liked him since Gilmore Girls.) and had me write down my name for him. He asked how we learned about the event. I had heard from Cynthia and she found out on LJ, so then the other people around us said they'd heard on LJ too. He was interested in how we all knew each other online (though really, I didn't know any of those other people since I'm not in any of the Heroes communities). He asked for my LJ address and took another picture of me.
The blog.
He came into the theater later and was looking for us. I saw him walk by and scan the whole theater and thought he was looking for a friend or something, but nope, it was us. Ha! He came over and took another picture of us all sitting there. One of the other girls was talking to him about his pass and when he said he was leaving early, asked if he'd bring it back and give it to her since she'd tried to get one week's ago and they'd never heard back or something. I don't know. But he kind of said he would come back and give it to her, befor disappearing and never being seen the rest of the night. Heh. Anyway, back to earlier in the night when we were still waiting outside.
afrocurl arrived somewhere in here. I can't remember what time. The line was getting longer and they ended up breaking it off right behind our groups and moving the people closer to the street and a little further back, so that people could still get to the businesses. So we had our own little space for most of the night. The security and event guys kept moving the ropes, like they couldn't decide how they wanted things set up. I think the carpet was supposed to start at 5pm, but by 6, there was still no one there. I think maybe Jimmy Jean-Louis had showed up by then, but that was it. He walked right by us and we didn't even notice until we saw him on the carpet. Then he was gone again and we were still waiting for people to arrive. We had a good spot to watch them, but then they had us go inside the theater so there went that plan.
We went in and got seats in the first row that was available for general admission, and right in the center. Yay! Then there was more waiting. People got snacks and used the restroom and we kept waiting. Roz managed to score a press pass so she was gone getting pictures of the arrivals since we had to go inside.
See her pictures From where we were sitting we could see flashes going off outside the theater so we knew people were finally arriving. Christine Rose was actually the first one in the theater. She was down sitting in the first row in front of us for a long time before other people showed up/came in. I think it was after 7 when the cast started coming down the isle right next to us (well, right next to Roz. I was the third seat in). It was dark and they were fast, but I managed to get good pics of David Anders and Hayden Panettiere.
Happy I got the David ones because he left shortly after the thing started and wasn't seen again. Cynthia was very excited to see him, and then very sad that he was gone. The picture of his back and the Heroes sign on the chair is just for her (you have to zoom in to see it). Hee. So the rest of them came down our isle and went up to the front row. Milo, Hayden, Adrian Pasdar and Jack Coleman were over on the left section and I could see them through heads. Milo and Hayden were eating popcorn and talking during the intro stuff.
The Jules Verne Adventure guys talked for a while, then showed a short clip of Heroes. Then they came out and started talking about Stan Lee, who was being honored that night, and showed a clip all about him. That was fun. They had his cameos in the various movies based on comics he'd written. Stan came onto the stage and got his award from the guy who played the Silver Surfer in something.
They had Tim Kring and the other guy (I don't know his name! Help!) go up on the stage for the Stan Lee presentation, and then they sat down in the chairs on stage and answered some questions about the show and other things. I don't remember the specifics, and the sound was echoing so I can't understand much on my voice recorder. It's not the one that I can transfer files to the computer with or I'd make you guys try to listen to it if you wanted to hear things. (Though at least it actually worked this time, unlike when I tried to record the Strike Show which I really wanted.)
They showed us a preview clip for the rest of this season, and asked that recording devices be turned off. Of course, it was up on YouTube when I looked yesterday, as is to be expected. Heh. It was very exciting to see, and there are descriptions of it around if you want the spoilers.
Then it was time to bring up the cast! Jack and Adrian hopped up onto the stage from the ground, while the rest of the cast walked over to the stairs. Heh.
They asked a few questions and had everyone in the cast talk at least once. I honestly don't remember much of what was said 'cause I kept staring at Milo. And Hayden. (Apparently I am a shipper. I don't know how this happened!) But their end of the line was goofing off with each other throughout the thing, bumping into each other, whispering and touching. This cast is so much fun.
I ended up with several pictures of Milo and Hayden looking at each other. They deserve their own section of picspamming. I know you can't see much in the thumbnails, but if you go look at the larger pictures and zoom in on them, they're adorable. If I'd had more time this weekend I would've gone through all the pics and cropped into the interesting bits, but alas, I'm making you work.
Zachary Quinto was on the other end and looking quite adorably dorky. When he was talking about something he made a comment admiring microphone holding style. And copied it. Look down the line and Milo, Hayden and Sendhil Ramamurthy are all copying it too. Haha, awesome.
They finished up talking and then the cast left the stage. They were going to show the last episode. The cast went and sat down for the first few minutes, then all exited to the press party downstairs. As they took off a bunch of people got up and went scurrying out of the theater as well. We sat for a minute and then were all, "We've seen this episode, let's go!" Haha. As we came out of the theater we were right next to Christine Rose. Like, we may have bumped into her a little bit without realizing it.
We (Cynthia and I) couldn't go downstairs, but we could at least stand and wait to see people leave. After telling Roz we hated her because she was going downstairs (we love you, really), Cynthia and I hung out by the wall. We were deciding if we should wait or go, when we heard excited chattering and people huddling by the stairs. Then out of the throng of fans comes Milo dragging Masi and Hayden by the hands, who then were holding Sendhil's hands. It was this strange walking circle configuration with Milo pulling them all quickly out of the entrance. I was too shocked to do much other than snap one quick picture. Ok, 2. There's a blurred one as they walk away.
Cynthia is apparently afraid of Milo 'cause she turned herself towards the wall as they walked by, lol. I continue to tease her about this. But now we knew they'd all be walking by and probably soon! So we stayed. The security guys set up a rope to block off the area where the cast was going to walk, but this one guy told us we were fine where we were standing. We weren't over with the bunch of people crowding the stairs, and were just leaning against the wall to see people walk by.
Next came Adrian. He was stopping and giving some autographs and taking pictures, but Cynthia and I didn't have the nerve to go up and bug him.
Jack Coleman seemed really nice as he walked by us. He stopped a bunch of times as he was trying to walk out. And again, we didn't bug him. Ha, I was a big ol' chicken this weekend.
Jimmy Jean-Louis walked out looking cheerful.
Then Zachary came up and was surrounded by people. We could barely get a glimpse as he walked by.
We figured that was about it, so we went outside to see if there was anything interesting. Saw Jimmy and Christine walk off together and then get into a car. Christime was driving and Jimmy was getting a ride. Awww. It was cute for some reason.
While we were out there deciding whether to go in again or leave, Stan Lee came out. He went over and gave several autographs.
We figured we should get going since it was almost 10 and we had to be up at 4-ish the next morning. And also, the parking lot was going to close at 10 and I needed to get my car out, lol. So we took off towards the place, walking quickly 'cause we were scared to be walking around downtown L.A. late at night. I'm such a small town girl. I dropped off Cynthia and then got home by 11:30 maybe? Should've gone to bed right away, but it didn't happen so I didn't get nearly enough sleep for the race the next day, but that'll be the next post. :P
My Heroes event photosafrocurl's
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