Mar 02, 2007 19:41

I am now on Spring Break. Therefore, I need to make a new to-do list:

1. Decide what classes I'm going to take in the Spring. There are only three 3hr classes I need to take, which means a couple electives!! I'm thinking history courses. Not many options really. I wish we had more elective choices in the Fall. Bellarmine thinks that electives all go in the the same time multiple classes are reqired in my major and therefore I have no room...grrr.

2. Shadow a doctor! = wear my little white coat and look important. Hopefully I'll get to see some interesting stuff

3. Start planning my 21st!! It's going to be the best ever : ) But don't get too excited...we're still about 2 months away. Since it will fall during finals week I'm gonna make it a school is out party as well. Obviously more about this later.

4. Write Physio paper on thermoregulation. Shouldn't be a big deal. Actually I'm quite intersted in it. Did you know there are types of seizures that affect that area of the brain and can cause hypothermia at room temperature?

5. Write Research proposal. Just a general thing. Basic concepts haven't changed.

6. Work on my novel. I might be finished by the end of the summer. I 3yrs of

And most important of all:
7. Catch up on sleep, genealogy, movies and my reading
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