Mar 03, 2009 10:47
It is another snowy day at the hospital. Winter brings ice, ice brings accidents, accidents bring long days in the Emergency Department. And longer nights. Because no matter what the truth is, the hours and minutes seem longer after sunset. Of course for Dr. Cameron the truth is far more complicated.
First, do no harm.
The fundamental tenet of being a physician. Dr. Cameron, gentle, comely, kind -- a woman almost too partial to her patients and definitely too involved -- Dr. Cameron wears her heart on her sleeve. Dr. Cameron stands up to anyone and everyone when it comes to patients’ rights. Dr. Cameron is more than your doctor; she is your advocate and friend.
Domino finds her entirely naive.
But then Domino finds the whole institution naive. There are plenty of times you have to do harm first in order to find the answer, solve the problem and save the patient. And far more times you have to do a little harm to save the day. Domino Steel believes in efficiency and expediency. If you worked for a covert counter terrorism operation, so would you.
The waiting room is full of people with broken bones, borderline frostbite, minor strokes due to major shoveling. It is just another snowy day. Cameron has been working nearly non stop since she got in just after nine thirty in the morning. Robert brought her a coffee but she didn't have time for a proper chat. Tonight, she'd promised in that way she had, that way that promised just enough. Domino's way more than Cameron's but Robert doesn't know anything about her other side. Her other life. Domino keeps everything close to the chest. If you worked for a covert counter terrorism operation, so would you.
It's been a long day and the night promises to be longer. It's when Cameron's exhausted beyond recognition that C inevitably calls on Domino. In not quite two hours her ten hour hospital shift is up. If she's lucky C will stay quiet, Home will stay away and if she sees Bambi it will be to say good night to Dr. Hadley before going home with Robert for their If she's lucky.
Of course the fundamental tenet of D.O.C. is: Expect the unexpected.
community:character loft,
au: team steel