[Time to start looking for his friends. They must have brought him here. Why? Did they think it was funny? This would be Bill's sense of humour...] Bill? Bill. This isn’t a joke. I don’t like going places, you know that. I’ve told you before. I’m the brain of the operation, and the brain has to stay in the head. The office is the head. That’s my metaphor again, and Dr. Rosen said it was a good one.
[There’s a pause as he realises that no, he’s not getting a response from them. And then he starts searching the signals for his friends phones using a
series of hand movements, scanning the colourful wavelengths that are visible to him. To anyone else, it probably just looks like he’s tic-ing with his hands.] Oh... that’s not good. The chance that all of them have either taken their batteries out of their phones or had them broken... well, you may as well not call it a chance. Hmm...
[And another minute of quite.] And Jenn [Sorry, he used posts to match a name to the face] I was where the water is. I'm not there anymore though, I'm in an apartment now, So don't go there.