Who: Lucas Kovach, OPEN
What: Lucas is out and about after recovering for the last five days (THANKS DEAN. B| )
When: October 23rd, all day
Notes: Video or action responses are fine, just let me know which scenario you'd like
[Lucas couldn't sleep, as usual, but this time it was for good reasons. He had given up something rather important and was waiting to see if anything came of it. He sort of considered it an early birthday present to himself; all he really wanted was his 1972 El Camino. He wanted to burn some rubber through the streets of Genessia.
And there it was. Sitting in the parking lot outside of his apartment. Lucas grinned. Today was going to be awesome.]
Scenario 1: The garage. He's still got to work, afterall.
Scenario 2: Driving around town. Feel free to flag him down or call him up on the vid comm.
Scenario 3: There's a new archway in Everglade with a modest three-story office building sitting inside. Perhaps it should be looked into.