Drama drama drama (or lack thereof)

Sep 15, 2008 17:19

A lot of people have noticed that my life has it's fair share of "drama" amongst friends and whatnot. That's normally (in theory).

What they don't understand though, is why I'm never stressed out about here. Well, here's the little secret that I've been hiding.

People like when things take unexpected turns. Some people go as far as sabotaging their own relationships (subconsciously of course).

However, the gist of people are simply "thrill seekers". They fear, not complications, but drama. They love the anticipation of not knowing what to do.

They love the adrenaline rush.

Most of these people are your every day friends who chase drama but complain that drama "follows them". A closer inspection reveals the opposite.

These people are dangerous, as they can turn a perfectly legitimate and solvable problem and blow it massively out of proportion into a pandemonium.

So what am I then? I'd like to think of myself as a puppetmaster.

By planning out these "unfortunate turns of events", I'm able to preplan safe and reasonable escape routes. And when people listen to me, they're rewarded.

Side note: This works much like training a dog. You tell it to sit. It sits, you give it a snack. If not, you don't.

By doing so, people LEARN to trust me. Although this seems a bit odd for me to do, it's more than worth the effort, as the situation's controlled.

That means I can move it back and forth and keep everything in control. Control allows for nothing to go wrong. That means taking away variables.

Without variables, there's no rate of error, meaning everyone's happy in the end... so what does this MEAN in the end?

All my ridiculous "thrill seeking" friends can enjoy the luxury of being complete idiots and getting into perplexed situations without any actual risk.

The fact though, is they THINK it's risky, so they still get the same adrenaline rush. It's like giving someone a placebo and saying it's cocaine.

For me, this means that these "thrill seeking" lunatics won't be trying to squeeze drama out of my life, and it ALSO means that they place trust in me.

Doing so, I'm furthermore able to help them get out of self-generated "drama situations". All in all, it makes for a safer reality.

That and... well, it's kinda fun. =P

Full understanding of the human psyche = win
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