Missing the Redemption of Boromir
Are there five missing pages? What made me suspicious was the synopsis at the beginning of the second volume. Near the end, it says:
"with the escape and disappearance of Frodo and his servant Samwise; and the scattering of the remainder of the Fellowship by a sudden attack of orc-soldiers, some in the service of the Dark Lord of Mordor, some of the traitor Saruman of Isengard."
Sudden attack of orc soldiers? This was absolutely not in my book. Not even hinted at - you only knew of the presence of the orc soldiers from the encounter on the banks around the time Legolas shoots an unidentified Nazgul out of the sky.
And when the Uruk Hai are first spoken of from Merry and Pippin's perspective as captives, it seems like you are already supposed to know what they are..." -
Read more on MikiWiki Whitney has made it to her second trimester, and now we have midwives! :
Week Fourteen
First, I am so glad I changed from the doctor to the midwife. I was so angry at my doctor for being so curt with me, not giving me time, not answering my questions. The midwife experience was completely different..." -
Read more on MikiWiki Not sure why's she's posting a day in the future...