Round Two

May 14, 2009 20:02

Ship: Gently/Bacchus
Age: 15
Wordage: 622
Comments: Because a boxing match was too good an opportunity to miss...

As George stood redressing himself, John entered the changing room from the shower, a towel tied around his waist and a second in his hand, violently drying his hair.
“I’m sorry about that John”
John smiled sarcastically and turned his attentions to his own array of clothes draped across the bench.
“Ah come on, it was for charity”
“Three hits you said!”
“It’s not my fault you weren’t fast enough”
“But did ya have to hit me quite so hard?”
“Sometimes I don’t realise my own strength”
George was laughing.
John pulled on his trousers and let his towel fall to the floor.
“Alright then, let’s go again”
“I’ll only beat you again John”
“No come on, fair’s fair, let’s have a rematch”
“Be gracious in defeat”
“Scared I might beat you this time are you?”
George sniggered.
“Alright then John, if that’s what you want”
“What, now?”
“Why not?”
“Come on John, we’ve had a long day, how about next week?”
“No come on, we’re here, let’s go again now”
“Everyone’s gone home”
“So? Just you, me and the ring”
“Is this a personal crusade John?”
“Yes, if you like”
George sighed.
“Okay then, three rounds and I’m going home - first to get two clear shots wins”
“You’re on”
John stepped out of his trousers again and George began undressing.


George climbed into the ring, his opponent already standing in his corner; gloves on, gumsheild in.He put his own gloves on, gumsheild in and walked to his own corner. Their gazes fixed upon one another and they each walked to the centre of the ring. They touched gloves, nodded and retreated. They bounced around each other; jabbing, weaving and blocking. John swung at George but George ducked and managed to catch John in his side whilst he was defenceless. John stumbled backwards and George planted a hit on John’s jaw. 1-0.
Having regained composure, they began using the full breadth of the canvas again; bobbing around the ring, showing off their equally fancy footwork. George went to hit John again and whilst he was distracted by his own tactics, John hit his cheek and George fell back against the ropes. 1-1.
John went back to his corner, removed his gumshield and tried to catch his breath. George loosened his shoulders and took a drink from his water bottle.
“Do you know, Sir, I’ve always thought there was something very homoerotic about boxing”
George hit his gloves together in anticipation and jumped on the spot. John smiled and readied himself for the final round.
They began moving again, hitting out in all directions, punches falling short and going wide. It was an evenly matched fight. As they both grew tired and breathless, John managed to get a clear shot at George and he hit the canvas hard. He lay flat on his back, motionless.
John ripped off his gloves and knelt beside George. His eyes were closed, his body lifeless. He straddled over him and pressed his ear to his chest. He was breathing. He leant in close to his face, about to lift his eye lids when George lifted his head and suddenly kissed John full on the lips. John sat back, shocked. George laughed. John leant back down and kissed George more surely, allowing his tongue to slip between his teeth. George, far from repulsed, greeted John’s advances warmly and wrestled his tongue with his - impatient and hungry. They broke apart, the humour had gone from the moment. It was tense now. John stood up and away from George. George lifted himself off the floor and walked over to him.
“We should do that more often”
“The boxing or the kissing?”, John enquired, his lips pouting in flirtatious anticipation.

george gently fanfic

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