Dec 12, 2004 22:05 was BLAH
I didn't wake up in time for church so I didn't see my beloved Shorty, there was no three musketeers UH! Anyway I helped my dad move into his new apartment and it is SO sweet! I'm really excited for it. Then I was gonna go to bible study but it didn't work out. Then I wrote a paper and that was my day. I'm scared for my Chemistry quiz tomorrow! I don't know how to do anything. AHHHH
I've been watching Christmas movies since 6 and I forgot how much I want a boy for Christmas!! ahahah that sounds so cheesy. well there somethign wrong with me? This is the everlasting question. Do you ever get so excited about someone you forget to breath? haha why can't he just kiss me and make my life complete right now? I feel so different from everyone else. Why can't I just fall in love already, I swear I'm ready! I'm such a sap when it comes to romantic movies and I always wish that I could have what they have in the movies, but I know that's not real. OK but somewhere deep down everyone knows that true love exists. I mean I know I believe in it. Sorry to bore you but it's just been on my mind. I'm getting excited for Crosswalk Christmas banquet...although I will be going dateless. Oh well
Leah Joy