
May 30, 2006 16:08

Adolph died yesterday evening. Him passing was a little harder to take than when Jackie Boy died. I had Adolph longer, and I had more faith in him living a nice long life. I can't help but feel mildly responsible for his death. Last week I had a crisis where I had a swarm of bugs getting into my room, so I was killing them, anyway I could. My genius idea was to spray them with this air freshener spray I have. It worked, but I wouldn't be surprised if some landed on the water of my poor Adolph and poisoned him. I don't know if that's the cause or if it was just old age, but I still don't want to believe he's gone. He used to always watch me, whatever I was doing. He was a good fish. Now I only have Jesus. He's an absolutely amazing fish. He has survived so much shit, and I adore him for it. He's also the biggest, most full Betta I have seen in person.

Todd was here Sunday afternoon through this morning. We had a really great time. Sunday we watched Eurotrip, then I took him uptown to get Goodfella's. Then we came back and watched A Clockwork Orange. I had to work Monday morning, so I woke up at the crack of dawn, he slept in, and I went to work for 2 hours. I came back and we hung out for a bit then headed towards Cincinnati to go to Jungle Jim's. First we went to Olive Garden for lunch, then went to Jungle Jim's. It was really great. I got some glass bottled sodas and British KitKat's (yes, they are very different from the ones we get here. Not in appearance but in taste) as well as a Cadbury's Dairy Milk bar (more British chocolate). Todd got some glass bottled Dr. Pepper (made with pure sugar cane!), a couple other sodas, and this Spanish beer. We drove back to Athens, decided to go uptown for dinner, then came back and watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and hung out. He woke up with me this morning when my alarm went off, and when I went to work he left to drive back home. It was really nice having him here.

This weekend I'll be coming home to take advantage of my parent's empty house to study for finals in peace. I'll be going to Alex W.'s grad party on Friday, then on Saturday is the Gallery Hop with Todd. That's all I have planned, really, other than studying my head off. Then next week is finals week. I have nothing on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday except for work 8-10a every day Monday-Friday. So those days I will be relaxing a ton, getting my room packed up, and studying like crazy. Thursday I have an exam at 10a and one at 2:30p. Friday I have one at 2:50p, then that's it for me as far as finals are concerned. I'll spend the rest of the night packing up my room, getting ready for the move. Saturday morning I have a First Aid Basics course from 9a-Noon here in Athens. I need a First Aid Basics certification for camp this summer, so that's the reasoning. Mom & Dad will probably get down here sometime in the early afternoon to get all my stuff out of here, checked out of the room, and on our merry ways by the early evening most likely. I think I will miss this room.

Wow. Long entry. I suppose I had a lot to talk about. Sadness, happiness, excitement, anticipation for things to come...a wealth of emotions.
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