Mar 11, 2007 21:23
Fucking a, man.
What the hell is wrong with me that I'm not interested in ANYONE?
This is how I lost friends when I was little. Girls growing up, all they wanna talk about is boys, but I was still interested in the same things.
Everyone around me is interested in the opposite, or even the same, sex. Even my little sister has a boyfriend now. My mom has a boyfriend. And, of course, so does my older sister.
And everyone around me is waiting for me to get one, too. But I'm not fucking interested. I'm not even interested in girls. I know my family thinks I'm gay because to them I've never had a relationship, 'cept my two older sisters know about some of them.
And it PISSES me the fuck off when people make comments about me finding someone, or 'when you grow up', like I'm still a little kid. Or like that's all I can do with myself. I'm a fucking human being, not a love machine. Not a fuck machine. Can't anyone understand that you don't need someone to love to be happy in life????
See, this is how I lost one of my very best friends. She was so interesetedin boys, but I just couldn't see why. What's the appeal, honestly?
And it annoys me so bad when all people talk about is this boyfriend, that boyfriend, this girlfriend that girlfriend. I can't keep up sometimes. I just don't see what the point is...
Yeah, love's great. But its not the end all be all everything.
Is it?