I really liked that writing meme that was going around, although I had to do three in a hurry so I expended what little creativity I still had. That's a ridiculous statement, because I've been writing original fiction for the first time in ages.
aldecoary, by the time you get back from your weekend camping I should finally have something posted that you can read. Incidentally, I'd almost have liked to post that meme. But I only have three people on my friends list (even on the interwebs I'm shy), and I think it would be rather too easy.
I've been bogged down in work a bit lately, though. I hate Apple. I just thought I'd state that. I bought one thing from them, and it's been more of a headache than everything else combined that I've been working on. And that includes configuring Windows XP for remote access.
And what have I been reading? Words, words. No, still more Holmes. I guessed the last one. That's the first Holmes mystery I've gotten in advance. Mind you, in most of the mysteries you aren't provided with enough clues to solve them in advance, but anyway.
I think that concludes what I wanted to say.