May 23, 2003 02:40
Am I dreaming?
School's out. Yes, I had my last exam today.
Here's how I fared:
Bio- 96 (scaled, 81 without)
English- 92
Drama- 103
Geometry- 65
History - 78
Spanish - 92
So I think I did okay. I passed Geometry- what a relief! I was afraid I had failed it for the semester. But no, I passed- with a 60.4. Scary.
Well, summer is upon me. And what a nasty day it is. Today is David's graduation, so I have to take a bath and stuff sometime today.
It's an anticlimax to a bad year.
Okay, so it wasn't that bad. Good stuff happened. Lots of good stuff happened. But I'm still not sure if the good outweighs the bad- let me get back to you after I go over my entire year.
Not. I'd rather just forget it. I'm going to try to make next year better..Try not to get depressed so much..Feel better about myself. Cause I'm getting a lot better about it. I'm even getting an ego. That's scary too. Well, wish me luck on meeting all of David's family today. I just hope I don't embarrass myself.
I guess I should post something about City Stages now. It was nice to see my friends again. But then again it wasn't.. it just reminded me of how different we are..not in a good way. And how far apart we're becoming.
And how sometimes there just isn't anything you can do, no matter how much you want to help.
And how sometimes you have to wonder if it's all really worth it. All the blood,sweat, and tears you put into something..and it doesn't work out.
I think I forgot what I was talking about.
At any rate, if you can't tell,I'm not in a very good mood today. It's the weather. Rain. If I had a digital camera, I'd take a picture and show you. But I don't. So you'll just have to be content knowing it looks like crap.
And I don't want school to be over.
No matter how much I complain during the school year, and how nice a break can sometimes be.. school being out means I'm a senior. Which means after
Do you have any idea how incredibly scary that is to someone who doesn't even know who she is, let alone what she wants or should do?
I'm going to go. David's here. =)