Jun 29, 2005 18:28
haah wow the last few weeks were so great duno why but they just were, i kinda been bored tho but its all good. Last night i went with D, to to go to her babysitting job and we chilld there than her friend danDAman cam over and i duno what happend when i left hehe i think dd knowwsss HAHAHA OHH GOD IM JUST KIDDING!! that halaios ahah anyways than after i went home and than emiyl came over and than i went to her house and spent the night as emilys house it wass tight but urgg i kno im kinda pissed JUST KINDA about stuffin inthe ovin ahaha wow im bord ALSO.. i forgot amber came over yestreday AHHH iw as soo happy liek i havnt ssen her in forever!! first we went to kfc and ate with denis's and abby and we ate soo mcuh aah well i did ! ahaha than after that lizz my old old friend spent the night liek two days befor all of this and we chillid we went with ryan to mcdonals than we saw k.c and his ahah friends ahah and it was ok but i was kinda bored there was nothign really to do but yeha it was ok well im out !
peace yo!