Jun 15, 2005 15:12
Today i got my report card thingy and i did ok i got 1 A 3 B's and a d and c or somthign liek that im so bored right now... well last night i spent the night at my grannys with my cuzzin denise ahah it was fun we liek called ppl and were liek meesin with them haha oh wow... ahah omg ok i went with denise to go and babysite these kids down the street and like we were walking down to the park it was getting late but D wanted to see her man and while we were walkign back it stated raing soo hard on us i liek ran soo fast. ahaha it was soo scary ahahah and the ppl that she babysites for have the cutes puupys i want one of them soo bad there so cute and the were liek just born it looked liek aww i just wated to squeez it! HA! anyways im bored and i wann go do somthign really bad. omg the last 2 weeks kinda suck'd its been liek rainy and stuff i wanna liek go to the wave pool that would be tight! anyways this year liek thgis school year i wanna do really good as in my grades and i also wanna do a sport i think that would be cool cuz the last time i did a sport was like in 6th grade ahah idid vooleyball ahaha ophh yeha i did swimming too that suckd ass to much work for me ahahah...anyways im gonna do really good like tryed to get A's and B's whoa im gonna do it cuz im sweet liek that!!! well im out!