so last week i was contacted by a guy who wanted me to ink a few pages to help out the inker on their book because he was running into scheduling problems
the work, as it often is, was for free, but that's cool, it's not like i'm getting paid for the practice inks i do anyways...they stressed that i should get started right away, but the only thing i had to work from were the low-res files posted on their site ( )
i chose that splash page (18) and got to work, finishing half of it before being sent the hi-res stuff...he wanted me to start over, but i figured i'd just reference the big file and go with it (it's for free, right? i'm not going to scrap so much of my time already put in)....
i DID finish it, but he wasn't too fond of some "details lost" (due to the low res? i think it was mainly he wanted finer feathering) and asked that i redo the whole problem, i agreed to make changes or redo it *after* the rest of the pages were done, so at least there'd be *something* if time ran out [a side note, i can't believe how different the face ended up! that was totally my bad and i would never intentionally change a face so much!! :O ]
so whatever, i moved on to (a high res copy of) page 17, taking into account his requests for finer feathering with the little dots after them (he suggested i take a look at his other inker, president of eon comic boards, brett...who, in my opinion, is TERRIBLE at feathering with those dots {check out the american's leg on the cover!!!}, but whatever, i figured i'd stick with that style, just try to do it "properly" in my mind)
he ended up liking the feathering, but claimed brett and my styles were too different and it just wasn't going to work and they continued their search for another inker :(
when pressed for a real critique, it became apparent that i took too many liberties spotting blacks on the tanks ...oh well, it was a cool experience over all, and i learned the lesson to communicate the kinds of problems i see in the page before "fixing them"...
he wanted a tracer, i gave him goes on, but at least there are two more pages for my portfolio ;)