
Mar 11, 2009 17:20

mehh i'm sitting in my Dad's work really bored not get me wrong i love coming here i enjoy talking to all the nurses and other Dr but it's a bit hard since their all alot older than I am and they cant really relate too me so today i was an eventful day i had dubble geography , english and one lesson of history
Geography - thats always a funny lesson theirs always some one fooling alround pissing off are taecher i sit next to a very odd girl (Anna) who i do love because she's quite funny she thinks she's a Dinosaur and makes all these weird noises and faces and on the other side is this Girl (Claire) who can be a bit two faced then then again can't we all i wouldn't say me and her we're close friends but we do get on most times!
English -  i have this with the most irretaing boy you will ever met he has no comen sence at all he thinks Girls like it when you smack their ass and feel them up and throw them against hard objects he calls him self a ladies man but frankly no Girl i know likes him they think he's a twat their's also this guy Ben in my english class whgo can be a bit like that other guy but then again he can be really nice and sweet and some time's funny
History - that is just boring i have one really bitchi Girl in My class she cheated on her boyfriend at a school party at one of the teachers houses (Werid)  she's very nice to your face but then gives you a funny look when your not paying atention she has this group of Girls which she hangs out with they're all the same and you'll never see them with out each other unless they dont have a lesson together so thank god there's only one in my history class other wise i think i would die from all that bichy-ness
But saying all this it probably is being bitchy myself by writing mean things about them but oh well like i said we can all be to faced some time
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