I'm suddenly very nervous.

Nov 16, 2008 21:31

I did all right this weekend getting through my homework. Not as momentous as I'd hoped, but okay. And just now, at the moment on Sunday night when I am gripped by listless inaction and four-year-fortified apathy, I get that roller-coaster feeling in my stomach about tomorrow. I wonder what'll happen, because this could end up determining so much about my life. Eek.

I think I'll watch a little Arrested Development if I can't get started on Rushdie anytime soon. I've been slowly (since this summer) working my way through the series, and it is hilarious. Not in a laugh-out-loud sort of way, but a more subtle, so-ridiculous-I-can-only-shake-my-head way. Gob may be one of my favorite characters ever, and I love Jason Bateman, as ever. I love the new Gap ad of him and his daughter. It was in both Lucky and InStyle this week and I'm probably going to rip one out and hang it up because it's adorable.

Okay, I'm going to do some more homework so that I can stymie this feeling like I haven't done enough. Hopefully. I know I said I wouldn't post anything else this month, but tomorrow is kind of momentous and I need to spill. Okay. And I already made my Nano count for today. Okay.

jesus never did homework so why should i, pop culture, real life

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