So my day went something like this:

Aug 20, 2008 21:52

Wake up. Receive email from professor requesting that the class read fifty pages before our first class next week. Go to work. Spend two hours sitting with two three-year-olds who refuse to sleep during naptime. Wrestle shoes onto and carry screaming three-year-old to bathroom. Comfort two-year-old crying for his mother. Get kids' snack ready. Convince said two-year-old to go with his mother when she arrives, fifteen wailing minutes later. Eat burnt brownies with kids. Pick up after kids. Convince fourteen two- and three-year-olds to come to the bathroom and have their diaper changed and/or pee on the potty. Pick up after kids. Take kids to gym. Change three-year-old pottytrainer who pooped green poo in her underwear. Simultaneously keep another three-year-old from sticking his face in the toilet. Pick up after kids. Keep two-year-old from eating Play-Doh. Pick up after kids. Pick up after kids. Convince my last three-year-old to leave with her mother. Clean up toys. Clean up toys. Clean tables and put up chairs. Clean up toys. Take out trash (a full bag of dirty diapers). Pick up toys. Agree to come in and sub barely twelve hours later.

Come home, eat dinner, watch Olympics, curse new "open-bucket" lesson plan, wish it was summ - fuck. It is summer.

real life

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