Year 4; Semester 1

Nov 01, 2008 00:02

To do:
6 Courses:

  • 5 regular 4th year courses - Finance included!
  • 2 year long independent studies: Orientation planning and a course where I asses the current literature on "screen time" and physical activity, and another on youth and motorized recreational vechiles. Both papers going to Recreation Nova Scotia to provide a basis for their official stance on each issue. 
  • One community project. Grant seeking for "Africville Interpertive Center" Trying to fundrains $60 000 to hire a professional fundraiser. This project has the oppertunity to turn into a two year contract where I could become the "professional" to try and raise over $4 million to build this center.
  • Four overdue assignments
  • Weekly readings, that I'm currently 3 weeks behind in.
2 Jobs:
  • Lululemon Atheltica: Educator who's on the "Commuity" team. Have weekly responsibilties as an educator to go to at least one yoga class a week, and know the product so I can educte on it
    • Currently I know 10% of the product (not enough) and have missed two weeks of yoga classes becuase of my busy schedule
  • YMCA: Lifeguard that is taking on an EXTRA role as team leader where I am facilitating the development of our lifeguard team, professionally and as a "team" without any increase in pay or additional title
    • As a leader I am interested in elevating a good gaurd team to a great team through employee support and education opporunities. But am having difficulties bridging the recreation hat and management hat - because they fit differently but are the same size.
Attend Profession development oppetunities
  • World Leisure Congress in Quebec City
  • Present Leadership Theories presentation and facilitate meaningful discussion at DSU Leadership Conference
  • John Molson Sport Makerting Conference (note speaker is the chair of Canadian Olympic Comitee!!)
  • Take part in/ speak at Rec Nova Scotia Conference
  • Lifesaving Society Drowning Prevention
Work with Recreation Society to plan "Rookie Reckies" night to promote bonding and mentoring of first year Rec students with senior students
Develop new facilitators for Recreation Orientation

Acitively involved in Recreation Society, B. Management Curriculum Review, and Leisure Studies Curriculum review
  • Attend meetings, develop relations with other departments, understand student opinon
Research Project
  • Review current liturature on parenting, adolescents and free time
  • Go through qualitative data on adolecent perpective on free time
  • Develop paper
  • Pray to go it gets published
Maintain a social life - yes I may study Leisure, but I'll never know what it TRUELY means.
Become emotional confussed over the R sit.

Note to self: Yes, there's still half of the semester left, for the love of God, DON'T TAKE ANYTHING ELSE ON!!

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