Major Shoup's comments on the GK book

Aug 03, 2011 23:53

More research some might find interesting. In June of 2008, Major Shoup posted his comments on the Generation Kill book in a long, thoughtful blog post. Evan Wright responded to those comments, including many quotes from his interviews of people at the time (Encino Man's is fabulous). The back-and-forth is both fascinating and refreshingly ( Read more... )

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kahtyasofia August 4 2011, 17:16:57 UTC
Where are you finding these gems? And what are you working on that this is your research??????

As I was reading Shoup's comments, I kept thinking to myself, where's he getting that from? I suspect he got his back up over things that most of us really did clearly understand. From the bombing of the village to our view of Ferrando, I have always understood what Evan was trying to convey and I've been cognizant of the fact that he wrote a 'boots on the ground' POV, meaning there was another side to most stories.

Evan is so affable I sometimes forget how intelligent and well educated he is, until he produces the notes he kept and breaks down Shoup's comments to include the distinction between criticism of content and criticism of structure.

I think we've always been aware that Nate edited Evan's manuscript on some level, as much as we're aware that Evan had some input into OBA, if only in structure and not content. Nate openly talks about being told his book has a POV so he needed to write it from his own POV, and not just report. That sounds like Evan.

Okay, stop posting this fun stuff! I need to be writing ... something other than comments, anyway!


alethialia August 5 2011, 06:06:47 UTC
I think I was looking to see if Encino Man had been promoted (answer: oh, yes, yes he has) and since they're the same rank Google spit it out at me. I'm cool with that.

And it was research for the sekrit service!fic (that shall never see the light of day, JFC).

I kept thinking to myself, where's he getting that from? I suspect he got his back up over things that most of us really did clearly understand.

SO true! I suspect he's reading into it more than civilians do.

breaks down Shoup's comments to include the distinction between criticism of content and criticism of structure.

Yeah and starts discussing it in terms of the 'meta disagreement.' Heh.

I think we've always been aware that Nate edited Evan's manuscript on some level

We've always been aware that Nate read it and offered some overall thoughts ('too much swearing'), but I've never gotten the impression that he was this involved - suggesting the removal of attribution for a certain quote implies a line-by-line scouring of it. Hell, Evan even says so: "closely read it, and provided commentary and corrections which I followed carefully in my final revisions." Fick's a legit, quasi editor of this thing.

...which makes me really want to see what got cut out.


d_i_ August 5 2011, 17:20:14 UTC
And it was research for the sekrit service!fic (that shall never see the light of day, JFC.)

Don't even joke. I'm the one who's never going to finish shit, YOU are going to finish and post! I will not be denied Sekrit Service!Brad, damn it.


alethialia August 5 2011, 21:51:55 UTC
No, YOU have to finish stuff and post more this year! You gave me license to pester you about that!

...and speaking of, when do I get a new draft?! (It's testament to my tiredness that I didn't poke you about this last night!)

But I do plan to get the damn thing done. Someday.


d_i_ August 6 2011, 00:09:22 UTC
I did say that, didn't I? So I guess I know what I need to be doing over the weekend.

...and speaking of, when do I get a new draft?!

Oh yeah, that was a thing too, wasn't it? Huh. Well I guess-- LOOK! A convienient distraction!!



alethialia August 6 2011, 01:00:43 UTC
I guess I know what I need to be doing over the weekend.

Yes, you do! ::is helpful::


Aww, you're adorable! 'Cause we both know how well that'll work.

...that said, looks like I have a new job starting in a couple weeks, so, uhhh, I really need to make some headway on the sekrit service!fic. So you may get your wish. (And despair of it since I'm making you beta it!)


d_i_ August 6 2011, 01:23:12 UTC
Aww, you're adorable! 'Cause we both know how well that'll work.

Don't know what you're talking about. This plan is brilliant.

...that said, looks like I have a new job starting in a couple weeks, so, uhhh, I really need to make some headway on the sekrit service!fic. So you may get your wish.

There is so much awesome stuff in these two little sentences! \^_^/

(And despair of it since I'm making you beta it!)

Pfft, fair is fair. And if in order to get to the awesome-sauce bit where you post fic, I have to endure seeing it early and pretending I can contribute something? I will find some way to cope.


kahtyasofia August 5 2011, 17:55:38 UTC
(answer: oh, yes, yes he has)

Once again in Evan's defense, he says quite clearly that Schwetje was an intelligence officer, he rode a desk most of his career. He was thrust into combat with little to no real prep (beyond OCS). He could very well be an outstanding desk jockey and well deserving of his rank administratively. Just keep him out of combat.

And it was research for the sekrit service!fic (that shall never see the light of day, JFC).

If I have to finish my 6 Day War fic, you have to finish the sekrit service. It's been too long since we've had a good, meaty fic from you.

Yeah and starts discussing it in terms of the 'meta disagreement.' Heh.

Fanboy!Evan getting Doylian on the flyboy.

...which makes me really want to see what got cut out.

You and me both.


alethialia August 6 2011, 01:07:43 UTC
I don't think Evan deserves any kind of blame for the portrayal of Encino Man (though I'm sure he got some). He was just telling it like it happened. And even Shoup admits that some of the intelligence folks were successful and some weren't.

It's been too long since we've had a good, meaty fic from you.

I know! ::is sad::


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