This is the episode post for part five, A Burning Dog.
You may discuss all aspects of the episode, its themes and characters, and any and all things you find relevant to discuss. You may discuss before, during or after the episode.
Remember to list the singing
Home just in time for GK! :D
eta just a note, if no one noticed, this is
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Fick's getting super-jaded as well. I haven't heard the company line of, "I'm assured of this" for a few episodes. Poor guy. He's probably all, "I graduated Dartmouth and opted for this?" now.
Person just rolls on. No matter what. It seems like nothing phases the guy. "I'm here, I'm dead. I'm here, alive. Here, dead. Here, alive." "I'm just trying to make you feel better." LOL. In a way only you can, dude. And I love his photo's on the Wall of Heroes at the Nevada Wal-Mart.
No Patterson this week. :( I was bummed.
Oh, and Captain America was more batfuck than usual this week. Again, who was the guy who was on the bridge? He shut his dumbass down by just LOOKING at him. That was awesome.
Makes you wish there was someone around fumbling with hand grenades.
He's both! It's like his superpower or something. His other superpower is making me want to slam my head into the nearest hard object during that whole scene.
Poor guy. He's probably all, "I graduated Dartmouth and opted for this?" now.
That would be funny if it wasn't so sad. He's too freaking intelligent to be stuck in Marine Corps middle management.
"I'm here, I'm dead. I'm here, alive. Here, dead. Here, alive."
That was priceless. I gasped when the bullet first went through but having Ray do that really brought it home. We could have lost Fruity Rudy! And that would have been a very bad thing.
Captain America = made of FAIL. I'm just waiting for him to break into a million little pieces now.
Unfortunately, we've lost Pappy for a while. We may never see him again in the series. And Rudy doesn't have anyone to take care of and smother with Neutrogena. LOL. I laughed so hard at that. "Am I going to far with this?"
Captain America = made of FAIL. I'm just waiting for him to break into a million little pieces now.
I just hope none of the guys get taken down with him.
Which makes me really sad because I liked him.
Rudy as the platoon den mother? Makes me smile.
And since this is war we're talking about, I have the sinking suspicion that the only way something's going to be done about Captain America is if he does take men down with him.
Book says it was Major Shoup...but it seems like they made it Major Eckloff for ease of 'hey, I've seen that guy before' recognition.
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