Apr 05, 2010 00:49
My apologies for my absence, paper work took far longer than I had planned and it is high time I was in order here.
Defence club and Strategy class will both restart today.
RE: Strategy. For the time being, with the coming and going of so many students, I think it wise to make an open day. All those interested in attending, come to the classroom today at 3pm, this will give you a chance to talk with each other and with me and to see if this is something you truly are interested in, or if it is merely something you think looks interesting.
Defence club.
All are welcome and may attend. Naturally you must be prepared to work hard, self defence is a very important part of many people's lives, and those who are turning up just to sit there and look pretty or to make fun of those trying may be distracting a student from some day saving their own or a friends life. You will be dealt with as strictly as though this were an actual class, be prepared for this.
General Sephiros.