An Update Past Due

Nov 13, 2008 18:32

Hey Everyone!

I know I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd throw out a few bits and pieces of what's been going on with me...

First off, in the medical realm...

I started on Remicade treatments a little over a week ago. It wasn't too bad of an experience--the nurse is really great and the room was cozy. You take it by having an IV for about 2 hours that slowly ramps up the level of I just had to try not to look at my hand (you know me with the woosiness.) I did get some writing done as I'm attempting NaNoWriMo... but then the benedryl kicked in and I snoozed for the rest of the treatment. Anyway, I have another session next Wednesday and then 4 weeks after that and then I start on 8 weeks between sessions. I have noticed a change, I do feel a lot better but I'd like to see how I do off of the prednisone before declaring it the right treatment. Very promising tho! Yay!


I have spent way too much time at various fabric stores as of late... but that's ok because I think I have everything now to finish up our Crystal Ball costumes. We finished Scott's pants yesterday--he did quite a bit of the detail work after I finished sewing them... added the lacing down the side seams, sewed on buttons... did a few grommets. Very helpful :) I started my underskirt--very orange! I just haven't decided how I want to put the whole thing together so I'm waiting to figure out the waist until I do some more work on the overskirt and top. I've also got a lot done on the home decor bits... curtains are close to being finished, and I got pillow forms to do some matching pillows, and I finished up a cushion for Scott's mom. Yay for getting in sewing time, it makes me feel a lot better.


So, exciting news from Narrate Conferences (the same lovely folks who brought you Phoenix Rising and Terminus aka the BEST HARRY POTTER CONFERENCES EVER)! Sirens is going to bring together folks of all ages to celebrate female centric fantasy literature with some brilliant female authors and our favor heroines. I can't wait to see Tamora Pierce again (how awesome was it to sit with her during Terminus events, and hear her speak??) and this time, I'm so bringing something for her to sign! There's also a great reading list on the site that I'm going to start going over--I've read quite a few, and looking forward to sampling the rest of the authors. Anyhow, I hope that some of you on the flist will think about attending!

Travel and Such :)

The last week of October my sister and brother-in-law, Alea and Chris, came out for a visit. It was a lot of fun and really uplifting to just hang out with them. We started off with a trip to Salem which was decked out for Halloween :) We found a really bizzare pumpkin headed thing for our parents and a few other fun trinkets. Then the next day we went down to Plimouth Plantation and Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower II which was really cool because I've never been down there before. They put together a pretty cool english colony village and the role-players were fun. The next day we hit up the Lexington/Concord sites...there was a bit of rain, but it ended up pretty nice. I hadn't gotten to go into the Buckman Tavern before and that was awesome... you can definitely feel the history in there. Had to go back to work the rest of the week, but Alea and Chris got to go see the Freedom Trail and some other fun stuff. Had a great dinner down in North End one of the nights and ended the week by heading down to Westpoint in NY to watch AF BEAT Army (Woo!) It was absolutely beautiful down there and fun to tailgate, watch the game then tailgate some more :)

Next weekend we're headed back down to NY...this time to the city to see Scott's family--his folks are coming up for an event, so we'll see them and his brother and sister-in-law. Think we'll get some time to sight see a bit which will be fun--hopefully we'll get some nice weather! Then over thanksgiving weekend we're going to head up to the white mountains up in NH for a little while. Hopefully get to hike a bit and should be relaxing.

Hmm... I think that's about it for now... Time to watch the new Top Chef!

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