(no subject)

Aug 18, 2008 11:55

[Filter: Private; Language: Mandarin]
Five Soldiers. One language barrier is a minor hindrance compared to that.

I am frustrated. I have all that I need, all that I will be granted, and nothing. Nothing of interest to do with all of them. My temper must be controlled. They have done nothing to warrant it. Where is the Black Order?

... Regardless, the schedule. The Gate.

[Filter: White Order Brussels; Languages: French & English]
We number seven now: five Soldiers, one member, and myself. It appears the Gate will reach completion within a week, and at that time it will no longer require constant supervision. Until then, it must be watched. Jan, it would be preferable if you worked with one of the Soldiers for this task. I will continue to take what night shifts no one else can.

There will be no arguing this time.

[Filter: Joseph; Language: English]
Ask questions if you are confused.
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