The Smoke

Apr 12, 2006 07:20

For those of you that are lucky and privileged enough to talk to me on MSN, you've probably seen this image that I edited using Microsoft Paint as my MSN display picture:

You can clearly see that it's edited, but it doesn't show on MSN since it's so small. (I would have edited perfectly otherwise.)

And, as with my "I'm That Good" trademark catch phrase, Hollywood just HAD to cash into my brilliance.


However, if it's not super biased and if it's not totally liberal and if it's not anti-smoking and if it's not second-hand-smoke-believing (yes, believe it or not, second-hand smoke isn't cancerous and nor does it produce diseases), then it actually looks super funny and super well made. (Just look at the badge on the guy's jacket! It says like, "I Slasbingly Hilarizzi Cumzdy." It must be in Italian.) And the actors are sublime, even though they've all made super terrible movies. Being super generous and totally modest, General Gifford will let it go for now. For Now.

I swear, though, next super awesome idea I have, I'm telling them to fuck off and watch themselves.

Because I'm that good.
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