'Sup, bitch?
I remember some people posting, a few months ago, these entries about celebrities or people they find attractive. I can't tell you who posted those entries. Hahahaha, no, seriously, stop asking. It's a fucking secret, bitch, stop asking!
Anyway, I told myself, "Man, Stephen Colbert is super fucking funny. And when you don't agree with his democratic views, you can pretend he's actually serious and laugh anyway." Then, I went to get a hot dog and totally forgot about Stephen Colbert, and then I told myself, "Shit, I should do one of these 'PpL i FiNd aTrAKtiV' lists!" And then I totally forgot about it.
So then...............
AH, FUCK IT. Never mind the introduction, here's the REAL reason why you're here.
Damn, why the fuck did I choose the Rich Text Editor?? I hate this new system. I should have just written the HTML manually. Oh, yeah, right, oops, I forgot.
General Gifford's 'Shit That Bitch Is Totally Hot' List!
OK, so as you probably don't know, I'm kind of both ways. Yeah, I'm awkward that way.
So I'll go with the females first.
Neve Campbell.
Nice, brunette, and completely decent, Neve Campbell is gorgeous. Her eyes are truly magnificient. Also, she looks totally fuckable in a corset.
Anita Mui.
Fuck Zhang Ziyi! This is true Chinese beauty. Known as the Madonna of China, Anita Mui was known for her films alongside Jackie Chan (such as "Rumble in the Bronx" and "The Legend of the Drunken Master"), but also for the sexually-explicit performances of her music on-stage, and for her presence in the arts. Too bad she's dead.
Scarlett Johanson.
I don't know if I actually like her or not. I just thought she was unbelievably pretty, gorgeous, and dumbfoundingly sexy in "Lost In Translation."
Laura Harris.
She's the perfect blonde, only this picture REALLY doesn't do her justice. Check out "Dead Like Me" and hope to God she's not tanned, and, through her character, Daisy Adair, you'll see just how hot this chick is.
Winona Ryder.
Wether in court or playing a goth kid that sees ghosts and likes to take photos, Winona Ryder is basically the saying of, "Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice And Totally Fuckable."
Honourable mention goes to Tara Reid (when she's not a fucking skank), Sandra Bullock (when she's not in "Crash"), Hilary Duff (before she lost all of that weight... one of the rare cases where too-much-mascara is actually a God-given Gift), and Jodie Foster.
Peter Sarsgaard.
I thought he was quite attractive in "Flightplan." I've not seen many of his other movies, though. But he has this curmudgeon air to him in the movies that I've seen, so I like his face.
Mordecai Richler.
The Jewish novelist, political writer, and screenplayist from Montréal, there is something about his intellect, his wit, his logic, and his over-all physical imagine that I find so charming and attractive. Too bad he's dead.
For you kids, you can see him being obviously portrayed in the cartoon version of "Jacob Two-Two," a novel he wrote, as Jacob's dad, Morty.
David Duchovny.
It's fucking Molder from the X-Files, motherfucker!!
Stephen Colbert.
I just like him. I don't know if it implies anything sexual or whatever, I just like the way he looks. Come to think of it, I don't think I'd do anything sexual with all the guys I mentionned. I just think they're handsome and attractive.... OK, maybe I'd fuck around with Peter Sarsgaard.
Honourable mentions to John Cusack (when he's not being a democratic dipshit) and Dylan Moran.
I'm that good.