haarp is bad. haarp is not good. you should know about it. they say it's just this cute little array of dipoles to research the atmosphere so scientests can get off at poking the ionosphere.
http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/. actually, they are pumping megawatts of electricity into the atmospere to control weather, and more frighteningly, our MINDS. our brains operate on cycles per second(Hz). everyone (should) know this. so, you think it's harmless? it's pulsing through you right now. even though most frequencies that affect our brain reign in the ELF range, haarp, legally allowed to only emit high frequencies, PULSE the high frequencies at ELF speed. what i mean is lets say that they're emitting 2Mhz inthe air. they can pulse the 2Mhz on and off 10 times a second, thereby creating an ELF frequency at 10Hz on a carrier signal of 2Mhz. 10Hz is known to create a manic state of mind(i believe). The carrier signal, in actuality, whould operate at a harmonic of the 10Hz. hey, it's legal! they're emitting HF, right? with the massive research done at Montauk point, using the Sage radar, they know lots of frequencies that can do various things to the brain. that is now incorporated into the haarp project. the GWEN towers(ground wave emergency network) are at around 200 towers in the US, evenly placed to emit ELF that hug the ground. more fun ELF intruding into your brain. the only ELF that sould be flowing through you is the schumann resonance, at 7.83 hz, now recently increasing to around 12hz..which is the biorhythm of the earth(i believe). by the government pulsing these energies through you, they can manipulate you emotionally, and mentally, making for a more docile, subject-to-authority, FEAR-BASED mass. 60hz is the standard AC current in america. ALL ac appliances operate on that. 60hz is an ELF which stimulates the pineal gland, which secrets melatonin, which is a hormone that make one sleepy. the 50HZ UK ac current depresses the thyroid gland. the implementation of Fear in america is another rant. along with flouride water, vaccanations, aspartame, anti-depressents, unhealthy food, all meats, dental implants, aluminium-based deodorant, RF is just another tool used by the US to cull the masses to their willing, and to separate themselves from the higher selves. We are here to evolve, physically and spiritually, and the goverments(really really high factions thereof) are therefore trying to impede on our spiritual journey by doing so. all in all, the true intent behind all this controls is to slow our evolution to the christ consciousness, which means we live live PURELY AS A SERVICE TO OTHERS, or love. Instead, they want to create a single global government, widely nicknamed the NWO. whos doing this? the illuminati. wanna know more? two words. david icke. davidicke.com. one helluva article about chemtrails and haarp, none explains better this this montalk dude:
http://montalk.net/sars.html. feds, dont read this.