Oct 01, 2003 22:26
in the beginning there was nothing. in seven days, god created the earth, which is symbolic of reality. technically, there was blackness everywhere. it's called the void. god does not exist here. so then there is this infinitely small dot in this infinite void, which is god. she creates reality by creating a line forward and backward, left and right, and up and down, to give spirit(god) dimension and relativity to the void. from there, it connects the ends of the lines. you end up with an octahedron. with willpower, sprit rotates it infinitely fast on all 3 axises, and you get a sphere. now spirit can exist relative to the void. spirit then moves to the an edge of the sphere, then creates another sphere. love now has been experienced, since the vesica piecies(the merging of 2 spheres) has been created. spirit continues to create 5 more other spheres around the original spheres. 7 total. each following experience is symbolically recorded in the creation genesis in the bible. technically, spirit continues endlessly creating spheres of love by connecting the previous two. i guess these spheres of love can be scientifically classified as subatomic particles. it's sacred geometry, and since it is, it could also be totally symbolic. the point? Theres big balls everywhere.