[Masaomi Kida hasn't been himself since the day after Christmas. Mikado was taken, that was all that mattered. He might have wanted to rebound and hit on girls or something, but he couldn't do that this time, not like he had with various other abductions. It was impossible to imagine that. Impossible. All he wanted now was to see his
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And enemies indeed. Fortunately, nothing which is breaking his bones, but he is in pitched combat at this moment with, of all things, ninja. He failed last time with Ayumu, but he needs to be ready for things he's not used to here. They're running circles around him, so his "strategy" if it can be called that is as brutal as it is idiot. As Terra watches, hes suffers a full on cut to the shoulder with a short-sword to make sure the ninja close enough to grapple. He takes ahold of the thing and lifts him up off the ground to toss him off the building they seem to be on the roof on.
The next one comes in for another stab. It lands on his arm, with him having somewhat intercepted it. But he uses that moment to punch the ninja in the gut before, well, kicking it in the nards in much the same moment. the enemy dazed (must be a stupid ninja!) he picks up a likely looking lead pipe next to him and proceeds to, well. ...Let's just hope the ninja doesn't mind skull fractures.
Which seems to end the simulation, because at this moment it fades. He's going to pass out downstairs though. It turns out berserkering is a really stupid combat style.]
Having forgotten all about the vending machines and getting something to drink by now, Terra races downstairs and toward Kida. Upon reaching him, she concentrates and begins sending curative magic his way.]
Well, he knew she could fight and so magic. Maybe this isn't unexpected]
I was in the viewing area and saw you collapse. That was a pretty...intense fight.
[To put it mildly.]
[Okay, knees and then... on his butt. Sitting on the ground, a little note that defined smile spreads on his face which in no way matches anything else in his posture.]
[Looking him over herself anyway, since she's met plenty of stubborn, in-denial people who have overworked themselves.]
It's no trouble.
...why did you pick such a scenario?
...did something happen?
If you say so, but...are you returning to that scenario?
Something less...less likely to do all that to you.
If you want a partner, I was planning to be around here for a while.
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